Navy officer

5 Stories

Punishment Eased for Navy SEAL Who Posed With Corpse

Edward Gallagher was not demoted to seaman recruit

(Newser) - A Navy SEAL acquitted of murdering an ISIS captive but convicted of posing for photos with the man's corpse has had his sentence upheld—but with a much smaller punishment. Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher has been bumped down a rank, to petty officer first class, though since his...

Navy Probing Skipper's Role in Raunchy Videos

'XO Movie Night' contained gay slurs, sailors in drag, shower scenes

(Newser) - The second-in-command aboard the nuclear-powered USS Enterprise spent an inordinate amount of time producing gay-bashing videos that he broadcast to the entire ship—often while on missions supporting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq—and the US Navy is taking a look into the matter. As the Virginian-Pilot reports, the...

Navy Man Nailed With Powder Leaps to Death at Airport

He denied drugs were his; tests find no cocaine

(Newser) - A Los Angeles-bound US Navy officer jumped to his death at the Manila airport after being caught at an X-ray machine with a packet of white power believed to be cocaine in his bags. Tests later showed the packet held no illegal drugs, reports AP. Filipino officials, however, confirmed to...

Navy Will Allow Women to Serve on Submarines

Female officers will be the first to join sub crews

(Newser) - The Navy is going to start allowing women to serve on submarines, with the first female officers reporting for duty in 2011. The close confinement of subs has kept co-ed crews at bay, but that's going to change, reports the Honolulu Advertiser. “I believe women should have every opportunity...

Obama Talks Terror at Navy Graduation

(Newser) - President Obama reiterated his wish to close Guantanamo Bay and rein in harsh interrogation techniques in an address today to graduates of the Naval Academy, the Wall Street Journal reports. “We uphold our fundamental principles and values not because we choose to, but because we swear to,” he...

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