manual labor

2 Stories

Millennial Men Are Weak Sauce Compared to Their Dads
Millennial Men Are Weak Sauce
Compared to Their Dads
study says

Millennial Men Are Weak Sauce Compared to Their Dads

Too much texting, not enough heavy lifting

(Newser) - If today's men think that all those video games are helping them maintain optimal hand strength, they'd better think again. In a series of studies testing grip and pinch strength, researchers report in the Journal of Hand Therapy that among the 237 healthy millennials studied between the ages...

Work With Your Hands: It Makes You Honest

(Newser) - Greasy, sweaty manual labor instills a moral code that middle managers will never understand, Matthew B. Crawford writes in the New York Times. A doctoral graduate in poli-sci, Crawford parroted opinions at a Washington think tank before turning to motor bike repairs. Now he feels a deep satisfaction as customers...

2 Stories