
3 Stories

Critics Salty, Sweet on Angelina's Latest

Not everybody's sold on the new action thriller Salt

(Newser) - If you rely on critics for your movie-viewing choices, just flip a coin on Angelina Jolie's new save-the-world thriller, Salt. They're about evenly split:
  • Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle : "When exploited properly—as Salt does, keeping her human and vulnerable, so that the character's amazing ability and ingenuity continue

NYC Launches Campaign to Cut Salt

National effort targets packaged and restaurant food

(Newser) - New York City will today launch a national effort to cut the amount of salt in packaged and restaurant foods by 25% over five years. The plan asks food companies to make incremental reductions on a voluntary basis to help fight high blood pressure. But unlike Mayor Michael Bloomberg's obesity...

Angelina Back at Work After Bumping Noggin on Set

(Newser) - Angelina Jolie is back at work on the Long Island set of Salt after bumping her head and being rushed to the hospital this morning, People reports. "As a precautionary measure, Ms. Jolie will be taken to the hospital and examined," Columbia Pictures said in a statement. Jolie,...

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