Bran Castle

4 Stories

7 Famous Landmarks Once Put Up for Sale

ListVerse's roundup includes 3 in the US

(Newser) - If you weren't among the 9,000 people who pooled their funds to buy an 800-year-old castle in France, don't fret: Other landmarks will surely come up for sale, just as they've done in the past. Here are seven of the most famous, according to ListVerse :

It's Known as Dracula's Castle, to Its Owner's Dismay

Dominic Habsburg aims to educate tourists about its true history

(Newser) - Just about everyone associates Bran Castle with Dracula—except its owner. For Archduke Dominic Habsburg, the Romanian fortress is the former home of his grandparents, Queen Marie and King Ferdinand I, who made it "a happy place of light and flowers." Today, however, few know anything about the...

You Can Spend Halloween in a Coffin at Dracula's Castle

Don't let the vampire bite

(Newser) - You could spend a night in Dracula’s Transylvanian castle—but sleep is no guarantee. Airbnb is offering two guests an overnight stay at Bran Castle in the mountains of Transylvania, fittingly, on Halloween night. The great grandnephew of Bram Stoker, who based his 19th-century novel on the very place,...

Fangs for the Memories: Dracula's Castle Up for Sale

Heir seeks $135m stake

(Newser) - Count Dracula's Castle, complete with screeching bats, is up for sale—for a mere $135 million stake. Officially known as Bran Castle,  the 700-year-old Transylvanian abode has only a tenuous link to Prince Vlad the Impaler, the bloodthirsty inspiration for writer Bram Stoker's legendary villain, but has became a...

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