Neil Barofsky

4 Stories

Fed Report Rakes Geithner Over AIG Bailout

He's accused of handing AIG creditors 'backdoor bailout'

(Newser) - Tim Geithner did a lousy job of looking out for the interests of taxpayers during the AIG bailout last year, according to a report from a federal oversight group. Geithner, then head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, made no attempt to renegotiate AIG's debts, effectively giving the...

Toothless Watchdogs Not Sure Where TARP Money Went

(Newser) - Anybody seen $700 billion? The government watchdogs charged with overseeing TARP spending don't seem able to answer even basic questions about where the money went, Chris Adams writes at McClatchy. A special inspector general, a congressional panel, and eight other inspectors general are supposed to be keeping track of the...

TARP Watchdog: Bailouts May Cost US $24T

Number based on 'hypothetical maximum,' Treasury counters

(Newser) - The special inspector overseeing Treasury’s TARP program says federal assistance to banks and other financial entities could end up costing taxpayers $23.7 trillion, Bloomberg reports. Aside from the $700 billion bailout, Neil Barofsky says in testimony prepared for told Congress tomorrow, other trillion-dollar federal programs could balloon. “...

Banks Misused Bailout Funds

(Newser) - Instead of using federal bailout money to increase lending as the money was intended, many banks used TARP funds to make investments, repay loans, and even buy other banks, reports the Washington Post, citing a government audit report. Of 360 banks surveyed, 110 invested at least some of their bailout...

4 Stories