Skip Gates

8 Stories

Don't Forget: Women Made 'Red Tails' Possible
Don't Forget: Women Made 'Red Tails' Possible 
Skip Gates

Don't Forget: Women Made 'Red Tails' Possible

Skip Gates on how activist, pilot, first lady made Tuskegee Airmen possible

(Newser) - George Lucas' Red Tails is a "very important film," reminding us of the "often overlooked role of African Americans in World War II," Henry Louis "Skip" Gates writes in the Root . But what you sadly won't see in the movie are the three women...

Gates: I Can Joke About Arrest Now

Harvard prof kidded Cambridge cop at White House

(Newser) - A black Harvard scholar said today he has been able to joke about his arrest by a white police officer that led to a national debate on race, despite receiving death threats and bomb threats. In his first public appearance since meeting with Cambridge police Sgt. James Crowley at the...

African-Americans Must Get Angry About Racial Profiling

(Newser) - Henry Louis Gates and Barack Obama have been “very publicly slapped down for speaking up and speaking out about police misbehavior,” but African-Americans “need to roar out their anger at such treatment,” Bob Herbert writes in the New York Times. Gates, not the officer who arrested...

He Can't Say It Like He Wants to Anymore
 He Can't Say It 
 Like He Wants to Anymore

He Can't Say It Like He Wants to Anymore

(Newser) - President Obama has backed off a bit on his “acted stupidly” comments concerning the arrest of black scholar Henry Louis Gates, saying they were not properly “calibrated.” But, aides say, it “was not a slip of the tongue,” Peter Baker writes in the New York ...

Cops Weigh In on Responding to Insults

(Newser) - Just how reasonable was Sgt. James Crowley being when he arrested Skip Gates for mouthing off to him? The New York Times asks a wide range of cops how they handle abuse in the field, and got a range of responses. “If you don’t have a tough skin,...

Mass. Police Unions Want Apology From Obama

(Newser) - Massachusetts police unions today called on President Obama, Gov. Deval Patrick, and others to apologize for criticizing the cops who arrested Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, the Boston Globe reports. “The president should make an apology to all law-enforcement personnel throughout the entire country,” said one Cambridge policeman....

Gates' Rage: It's Class, not Race
Gates' Rage: It's Class, not Race

Gates' Rage: It's Class, not Race

'Gates is Ivy League pissed with a dash of Black anger. Not the other way around.'

(Newser) - Skip Gates isn’t outraged because he was the victim of racial profiling. He’s outraged because the cops didn’t recognize his Ivy League credentials, a fellow black Ivy Leaguer writes anonymously on This Week in Blackness and Salon. "He didn’t resent being identified as Black; he...

Gates to Black People: 'Don't Step Onto That Porch!'

(Newser) - Henry Louis Gates is upset about his arrest, in which he sees wide implications and a potential "teachable moment." The Harvard professor talks it over with the Daily Beast in the person of Elizabeth Gates, who happens to be his daughter:
  • On the police: "I’m glad

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