old growth forest

3 Stories

The Poaching of the World's Ancient Trees
New Target: 
Ancient Trees

Poachers' New Target: Ancient Trees

This natural resource is centuries in the making, and the black market is thriving

(Newser) - When Colin Hepburn, member of the activist group Wilderness Committee, was walking through the woods in May of 2012 in Canada’s Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park, he came across the remains of an 800-year-old cedar tree. It had stood at almost 200 feet, and it was gone, cut off at...

London Olympics Blasted for Using Endangered Wood

Team USA will use basketball court for training

(Newser) - At next year’s London Olympics, the US basketball team will train on some pretty rare ground. The court is being made from eucalyptus wood logged in a 1,000-year-old Tasmanian forest that's home to endangered species such as the Tasmanian Devil, activists allege. The UN World Heritage Committee...

Kick in the Butt: Soft Toilet Paper Battle Gets Messy

The plusher paper invariably comes from virgin wood, not recycled content

(Newser) - The environmental campaign against soft toilet paper is heating up, as manufacturers keep pushing the fluff factor—"Quilted Northern Ultra Plush is the first big brand to go three-ply and three-adjective," the Washington Post notes—and environmentalists want the industry to go all recycled. The softer rolls US...

3 Stories