Melody Barnes

2 Stories

Obama Emerges From White (Frat) House
 Obama Emerges 
 From White (Frat) House 

Obama Emerges From White (Frat) House

Now Dowd wants to play him at Scrabble

(Newser) - Turns out Tom Friedman played golf with President Obama last month—and fellow New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd isn't ashamed to admit she felt "a twinge of envy." Dowd's happy that Obama finally invited a woman to join him on the links this weekend, after catching heat...

Obama's Golf Game Goes Coed
 Obama's Golf Game Goes Coed 
girls allowed

Obama's Golf Game Goes Coed

Presidential foursome includes a woman for the first time

(Newser) - Within hours of a New York Times story spotlighting the West Wing's alleged "boys' club" atmosphere, President Obama played golf with a woman today for the first time since being sworn in. Melody Barnes, the White House chief domestic policy adviser, hit the links as part of Obama's foursome...

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