David Protess

2 Stories

Did Students Famed for Freeing Inmates Commit a Crime?

David Protess, his Medill Innocence Project and its methods, under fire

(Newser) - Fame has followed Northwestern Professor David Protess for more than a decade: His Medill Innocence Project—which has eager students using their investigative journalism skills to help free the wrongfully convicted—has significantly altered Illinois' legal history, helping push then-Gov. George Ryan to halt executions. But the golden-child project has...

Prosecutors Go After Famed Journalism Class

Professor calls it a 'smear campaign'

(Newser) - State prosecutors in Chicago are trying to take down a famed journalism class that tries to exonerate convicted men. Professor David Protess became a media star in 1991 when he and his class proved that convicted murderer David Dowaliby was innocent, and since then his students have helped free 10...

2 Stories
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