gingerbread house

2 Stories

Staph Recall Sours Whole Foods' Gingerbread

Bakery's goods were sold at Whole Foods

(Newser) - Run, run, as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the ... Staphylococcus man? The super-nasty bacteria Staphylococcus aureaus were found on gingerbread made by Rolf's Patisserie and sold at Whole Foods in 23 states, reports NPR , causing a recall on Christmas Eve. The bakery has been linked to...

Gingerbread White House Boasts Candy Bo
 White House 
 Candy Bo 
white house holidays

Gingerbread White House Boasts Candy Bo

Eco-friendly lights, 27 trees liven up the full-size executive mansion

(Newser) - Everyone got into the act of readying the White House for the holidays—staffers and volunteers who helped with decorating, community groups whose members created ornaments, and even the White House bees, whose honey went into the gingerbread that became a 390-pound replica of the executive mansion. At the bottom...

2 Stories
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