chihuahua population

4 Stories

Bay Area Overrun by Thousands of Chihuahuas

Victims of overbreeding, neglect

(Newser) - California's Bay Area has a pint-sized problem roaming its streets: Thousands of stray Chihuahuas, reports the San Francisco Chronicle . Hugely popular on the left coast, the dogs were overbred and now crowd animal shelters—making up half to three-quarters of dogs surrendered—and spill over onto the streets. "...

150 New Yorkers Vie for 15 Chihuahuas

 150 New Yorkers 
 Vie for 15 
saving pets from paris hilton

150 New Yorkers Vie for 15 Chihuahuas

California ships purse dogs East—but doesn't send enough

(Newser) - The migration of Chihuahuas from overloaded California shelters to the East Coast has gotten a lot of press—maybe too much. The publicity led 150 New Yorkers to line up outside the ASPCA yesterday to compete for 15 Chihuahuas. “This is a f---ing joke,” one would-be owner tells...

California Ships Cast-Off Chihuahuas East
 California Ships 
 Cast-Off Chihuahuas East 

California Ships Cast-Off Chihuahuas East

Shelters in other parts of the country happy to take popular breed

(Newser) - Just in time for the holidays, New Hampshire has dozens of Chihuahuas available for adoption thanks to a new project. A group of animal lovers, including actress Katherine Heigl, launched Project Flying Chihuahuas after hearing about the overpopulation of the diminutive breed in California shelters (some call it “Paris...

Calif. Shelters See Surge in Chihuahuas
 Calif. Shelters See 
 Surge in Chihuahuas 

Calif. Shelters See Surge in Chihuahuas

Fashion dogs on track to eclipse pit bulls as most abandoned

(Newser) - A Hollywood-fueled demand for Chihuahuas in California has morphed into shelter populations that make up 50% of the dogs in some places. “It's been a slow and steady climb,” a San Francisco animal control spokeswoman tells the Los Angeles Times . “We call it the Paris Hilton syndrome....

4 Stories