
7 Stories

Why Democrats Should Become Republicans
Why Democrats Should Become Republicans

Why Democrats Should Become Republicans

Matt Miller: So they can fix the GOP from within

(Newser) - Matt Miller floats an unorthodox idea in the Washington Post today for Democrats frustrated by the "rightward lurch" of the GOP to the conservative fringes: He thinks those Democrats should switch parties and become Republicans. The idea—and Miller gives full credit to his wife for the idea of...

Pennsylvania: Swing State No More?

'It hasn't been for some time,' Democrat party chairman says

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and his allies spent $10 million in Pennsylvania in the last week of the campaign, but it wound up going blue—just like it has in every presidential election since 1992. Obama won by much less than he did in 2008, but the margin was still a not-terribly-close...

The M-Word: A Moderate Eyes the GOP Nomination

With GOP candidates fighting over the far right, Jon Huntsman aims at middle

(Newser) - Is there room in today's GOP for a presidential nominee who is moderate on gay rights, immigration, and cap-and-trade climate regulation? Someone who even—gasp—supported the stimulus and worked with the Obama administration as ambassador to China? With Jon Huntsman kicking off his first campaign swing through New...

How Obama Can Win Again
 How Obama Can Win Again 

How Obama Can Win Again

David Brooks offers a four-step plan to win over the center

(Newser) - The president is set for a bruising on Tuesday, but he can come back, writes David Brooks in the New York Times . Here’s how: first, “win back independents,” who have swung Republican lately. Second, he must “redefine himself” as “a traditionalist on social matters and...

Bloomberg Endorses Flock of Moderates
Bloomberg Endorses
Flock of Moderates

Bloomberg Endorses Flock of Moderates

He's the anti-Tea Partier

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg is going on a Palin-like endorsement streak—only instead of endorsing Tea Partiers and conservatives, he’s backing moderates from both parties. Among his beneficiaries: Meg Whitman, Harry Reid, Lincoln Chafee, and Joe Sestak. Bloomberg says he's looking for candidates who aren't bound by rigid ideology, and are...

Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln Draws Primary Challenge

Lt. Gov. Bill Halter takes on conservative Dem

(Newser) - Arkansas Lt. Governor Bill Halter officially announced that he’s running for Senate this morning, putting him on a collision course with Democratic incumbent Blanche Lincoln. Halter leans further left than the conservative Lincoln, and several progressive groups, including, the Daily Kos, and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee,...

Scott Brown Changes the Senate Math
Scott Brown Changes the
Senate Math

Scott Brown Changes the Senate Math

Moderate GOP votes up for grabs mean 56 could be Dems' new 60

(Newser) - Yesterday's Senate vote to end debate on the jobs bill showed that losing the supermajority may not be such a disaster for the Democrats after all, writes Nate Silver. Scott Brown joined four other moderate Republicans in voting to end a filibuster on Harry Reid's jobs bill, suggesting that a...

7 Stories