pants on the ground favre

2 Stories

'Pants' Not Just on the Ground— It's Everywhere
 'Pants' Not Just 
 on the Ground— 
 It's Everywhere 

'Pants' Not Just on the Ground— It's Everywhere

Song gets millions of clicks on YouTube, spurs remixes

(Newser) - Not surprisingly, the award for first viral video hit of 2010 goes to American Idol audition song “Pants on the Ground.” After 62-year-old “General” Larry Platt introduced his masterpiece to the world last Wednesday, it took off, garnering 1 million Facebook fans and several million YouTube clicks...

Brett Favre Sings 'Pants on the Ground'

Minnesota Vikings' quarterback conjures American Idol contestant

(Newser) - Told you it would go viral: “General” Larry Platt’s “Pants on the Ground,” prominently featured on American Idol last week, has a new fan: Brett Favre. The Vikings’ quarterback performed his rendition after beating the Cowboys in the NFL playoffs 34-3 yesterday—he even acted...

2 Stories