male athletes

2 Stories

Vick Repeats as Biggest Sports Villain

 Vick Repeats 
 as Biggest 
 Sports Villain 
no. 4: tiger

Vick Repeats as Biggest Sports Villain

Forbes list of most disliked athletes has a new name: Tiger Woods

(Newser) - Michael Vick has been out of federal prison for almost a year , but the Eagles quarterback still has some image-polishing to do: For the second straight year, he tops the Forbes list of most disliked people in sports . New for 2010 are Ben Roethlisberger and how-the-mighty-have-fallen poster child Tiger Woods,...

IOC: Let 'Gender-Disorder' Women Compete

Allow 'masculine' females if they get treatment, says group

(Newser) - An Olympics panel has recommended that female athletes with masculinizing gender disorders should be allowed to compete if they get medical treatment. “The entire concept is that these individuals should be allowed to compete," a participant in the Miami Beach meeting told the New York Times . Some female...

2 Stories