Google Translate

3 Stories

Team Norway's Chefs Try to Order Eggs. It Doesn't Go Well

15K eggs showed up

(Newser) - Should you think Google Translate is infallible, the Norwegian Olympic team has a story for you. "Absolutely unbelievable," says team chef Stale Johansen of the aftermath of the error, in which an order placed using Google Translate reportedly caused 15,000 eggs to be delivered to their kitchen...

Google Translate Hits Russia With Lord of the Rings-Inspired Burn

Also, Russia's foreign minister is actually a 'sad little horse'

(Newser) - Everyone knows Google Translate can be a bit iffy at times. But it's not often that its mistranslations burn an entire country. Vocativ reports the service was recently caught changing "Russian Federation" into "Mordor" when translating from Ukrainian to Russian. As the Telegraph explains, Mordor is "...

Through Sheer Power, Google Translate Gets It Right

Similar programs use 1B words, while Google plugs in 100B+

(Newser) - Score one for Google’s “don’t be evil” side as Web surfers reap the benefits of its excellent translation program—thanks to the sheer force of Google's web dominance. Machine translation is a particularly tricky computer problem that programmers now agree is most easily solved by feeding massive...

3 Stories