Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

2 Stories

Gadhafi 'Alive and Well' in Tripoli: Russian Chess Chief

Says he spoke to leader by phone today

(Newser) - The Russian head of the World Chess Federation says longtime friend Moammar Gadhafi is "alive and well," "still in Tripoli," and planning to stay in Libya. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov says he spoke to Gadhafi on the phone at 6pm Moscow time today, the AP reports. The chess...

Russian Official Says He Spoke With Aliens

Another demands inquiry to make sure he didn't spill secrets

(Newser) - It's a little funny that Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the leader of both the Russian Republic of Kalmyk and the International Chess Federation, says he was visited by aliens back in 1997. But it's hilarious that a Russian Duma security deputy is calling for an investigation to ensure he didn't give away...

2 Stories
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