Michael Elefante

2 Stories

Murdoch May Cancel Deal Without Votes

News Corp. 'highly unlikely' to buy Dow Jones at current level of support

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. may balk at a proposed $5B buyout of Wall Street Journal publisher Dow Jones unless more support emerges from the controlling Bancroft family, a spokesman said today. So far the family has promised about 28% of total Dow Jones votes to Murdoch's proposal, but News Corp....

What Made the Bancrofts Buckle?
What Made
the Bancrofts Buckle?

What Made the Bancrofts Buckle?

Key Dow Jones director switched sides, eyeing Reuters-Thomson merger

(Newser) - In a surprising about-face Dow Jones director and Bancroft family trustee Michael Elefante shifted from the cons to the pros, advocating putting the company in play at a recent family meeting. His change of position was behind the family's decision that it would meet with Rupert Murdoch and consider other...

2 Stories