new baby

2 Stories

Zuckerberg Updates His 'Family' Status

Baby girl August joins big sister Max; Zuckerberg and Chan write her a letter

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook status Monday indicated he was "with" his wife, Priscilla Chan—likely taking care of their new baby girl. The Facebook post by the company's founder includes a picture of the new family of four and welcomes little August with a letter that echoes the...

De Niro's Too Old to Have a Baby

 De Niro Is 
 Too Old to 
 Have a Baby 

De Niro Is Too Old to Have a Baby

He'll be 80 when baby daughter is 12

(Newser) - If a 68-year-old woman had a baby, nearly everyone would scream. But there's not a peep about Robert De Niro's brand-new baby daughter Helen Grace with his 56-year-old wife, Grace Hightower, via surrogate, grumbles Sasha Brown-Worsham in The Stir . Let's get real: He's too old to...

2 Stories