Shin Dong-hyuk

2 Stories

North Korea Defector Walks Back Parts of His Story

Shin Dong-Hyuk is key figure in accounts of country's abuses

(Newser) - Shin Dong-hyuk's life story has helped the outside world establish a picture of abuses in North Korea: He says he escaped from a prison known as Camp 14, and he has served as a witness to the UN and as the source for an international best-seller. Now, however, he...

North Korean Gulag Survivor Tells His Tale

Book recounts his sending his own mother and brother to execution

(Newser) - Born in North Korea's largest and most infamous internment camp, Shin In Geun was raised behind electrified, barbed-wire fences in some of the most horrid conditions imaginable—constantly malnourished, beaten regularly, and forced to endure backbreaking labor every day. When Shin was just 13, he ratted out his older...

2 Stories
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