algal bloom

5 Stories

Cape Cod Is Being Ruined by Human Waste
Cape Cod Is Being
Ruined by Human Waste

Cape Cod Is Being Ruined by Human Waste

And by the septic tanks that currently capture it

(Newser) - Cape Cod has been "a cherished destination for generations," writes Christopher Flavelle for the New York Times , and in some ways, that very fact is what's hurting it. Flavelle digs in to the troublesome and odorous situation the Massachusetts locale is experiencing thanks to a ballooning population....

It Kills in the Water, Is Like 'Tear Gas' on Land

Florida's algae bloom prompts state of emergency

(Newser) - Under increasing pressure to handle Florida's brutal red tide , a toxic algae bloom killing hordes of marine animals and causing respiratory issues for some people, Gov. Rick Scott made the call. Late Monday, he declared a state of emergency in seven counties along the state's southwestern coast, setting...

In Algae, a Key to White Cliffs of Dover

They could in theory be replicated in the Antarctic—in millions of years

(Newser) - Had William Shakespeare had a chance to peruse a new study, he might have praised nitrate for the dizzying view from atop the White Cliffs of Dover. That’s because the tiny algae, known as coccolithophores, which helped form the famous cliffs some 100 million years ago benefited from a...

Gulf's Dead Zone Is the Size of Connecticut

Activists sue EPA to get stricter regulations

(Newser) - A Connecticut-sized swath of oxygen-deprived waters off the Gulf Coast is a "poster child for how we are using and abusing our natural resources," says one researcher in Louisiana. In its 30th annual survey, the Louisiana Marine Consortium shows the dead zone has shrunk to about 5,000...

Toledo Now Deems Water Too Dangerous for Showers

As Chicago re-tests its own supply

(Newser) - Toledo's water, which was yesterday deemed unsafe for drinking or washing dishes , just got a scary downgrade: Health officials last night reversed their initial position that city water was safe enough for showering, and are now advising those with sensitive skin or liver disease to avoid bathing in it,...

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