Wendy Farnell

2 Stories

Baby Gammy Now an Australian Citizen

Child in surrogate controversy gets access to country's health care

(Newser) - The baby who last year made international headlines in a surrogacy controversy is now a 1-year-old Australian citizen, though he still lives in Thailand. Gammy, who has Down syndrome and a heart condition, can now access Australian health care, the BBC reports. He has been a regular patient at a...

Gammy's Parents: Surrogate Wouldn't Let Us Take Him

Dad says he's changed after pedophilia convictions

(Newser) - With their case making international headlines, the Australian parents of baby Gammy are telling their story. Speaking to Australia's 9News , David Farnell said he and his wife, Wendy, "wanted" to take Gammy home with them, Reuters reports—but his surrogate mother wouldn't let them. Surrogate Pattaramon Chanbua...

2 Stories
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