presidential campaign

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Perry Insiders: Early Campaign Was Clueless

Advisers slam 'unbelievably subpar campaign'

(Newser) - Rick Perry's campaign is playing the blame game as it limps towards the finish line in Iowa. Insiders who joined the campaign in the fall say Perry may be beyond saving because of mismanagement by the team of longtime advisers he brought with him from Texas. "There has...

Whoops: Court Papers Show Newt Filed 1st Divorce

Gingrich said Jackie wasn't 'young enough': old friend

(Newser) - More bad news for Newt on the marriage front: Looks like his version of his first divorce doesn't quite add up. Court papers show that he divorced Jackie Gingrich 13 years ago, and not the other way around, as his website contends . "The marriage of the parties is...

Jon Stewart: President's Campaigning Already?

Obama's message this time: I thought we could, quips Stewart

(Newser) - It's August, so that means it's time for the president to start ... campaigning? President Obama's bus trip to the Midwest talking up his plans sure looks like he's on the stump. "Seriously, Obama's back in campaign mode already?" asks an incredulous Jon Stewart on...

Gleeful Palin Zings Exiting Katie Couric

Oh, yeah, I read about that somewhere, says still-angry Sarah

(Newser) - Not one to forgive and forget, Sarah Palin took the opportunity yesterday to kick Katie Couric now that she's down—and exiting as CBS News anchor. Couric famously put Palin on the spot in an interview during the presidential campaign when Palin was unable to name a single publication...

I Won't Be 'Suckered Into' Early Debates: Huckabee

He's sticking to his own timeline, will decide on 2012 run by summer

(Newser) - Presidential debates are already scheduled for May, but Mike Huckabee won’t be pushed into participating. "I don’t want to get suckered into taking on the schedule because it’s what the media wants us to do," said Huckabee on Friday. Added the former Arkansas governor, who...

Conservative Owns Obama Catchphrase Website
Conservative Owns Obama Catchphrase Website

Conservative Owns Obama Catchphrase Website could go to RNC

(Newser) - President Obama has been talking a lot about the need to “win the future” lately. In fact, it sounds like a pretty good re-election campaign slogan, notes Roll Call . There's just one teensy-tiny issue: A conservative activist already owns—and .org, .net, and every other WinTheFuture website....

Guess Who's Flirting With a Presidential Run?

No decision yet, but she's visiting Iowa...

(Newser) - Another 2012 contender emerges: Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann . Rumors have been swirling that Bachmann is weighing a Senate run in the next national election, but ABC News reports that the Tea Party favorite is also seriously considering a presidential run. A source says she’ll take meetings in her native...

2008 All Over Again: Obama to Base Campaign in Chicago

First reelection bid outside DC in recent memory

(Newser) - President Obama’s reelection campaign will likely be based in Chicago, not Washington—a rare move for a sitting president, and one that his advisers hope will help him rekindle the energy of 2008, Politico notes. Usually, campaigns are kept close to the president’s DC home, where they’re...

Bloomberg to Dems: Suck It Up on Tax Deal

Also, he's not running in 2012. Just so you know.

(Newser) - Joe Biden isn't the only one fed up with Democrats howling about President Obama's tax cut deal with the GOP—Michael Bloomberg today chimed right in, telling Obama he should tell his party faithful to "Suck it up." “This is the best I can do,"...

Sarah Palin: Inside 'Palin World'
 Take a Peek Inside 'Palin World' 

Take a Peek Inside 'Palin World'

Her loose-knit organization makes it up as it goes along—effectively

(Newser) - Tucked inside a 7-page New York Times piece on Sarah Palin comes this nugget: "I am" considering a run for president in 2012, she tells writer Robert Draper, adding that she will decide after evaluating whether she brings anything unique to the field of GOP hopefuls. Highlights from the...

GOP Leaders: We've Got to Stop Palin

'Barack Obama would crush her,' says insider

(Newser) - After tomorrow, Republican establishment leaders will shift their focus to another hurdle: making sure Sarah Palin doesn’t get the 2012 presidential nomination. In interviews with advisers to other presidential contenders, Politico found wide-ranging agreement that the former Alaska governor must be stopped. “There is a determined, focused establishment...

Trump Eyeing Presidential Bid

'I've got the finesse to run on GOP Ticket,' says The Donald

(Newser) - President Trump? Real estate mogul Donald Trump says he's "seriously considering" a run for the White House in 2012. "I can't stand what's happening to the country," Trump tells Fox News . "First time I am being serious about it. I've been asked for years to do...

Wyclef Jean for President?
 Wyclef Jean for President? 
...of haiti

Wyclef Jean for President?

Ex-Fugee mulls Haiti presidential bid

(Newser) - If the rumor mill is to be believed, Haiti could soon have a Fugee for a president. Wyclef Jean, who was appointed ambassador-at-large for his native country in 2007, is considering a run for the five-year position, but reports vary on how serious he is. His family recently released a...

Obama Still a Safe Bet to Win Re-Election

Don't let the midterms or his ups and downs fool you

(Newser) - Much hay has been made over President Obama’s supposed vulnerability in 2012, Mark Halperin writes, but when you look at his probable challengers and his formidable political skills, his prospects seem positively rosy. Two legit Republican contenders exist at the moment: Mitt Romney “remains unexpectedly unfamiliar” (Halperin says...

Obama and Clinton, 'Frenemies' at Last

The former rivals are easing into their new alliance

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have put the bitter presidential campaign behind them to form a solid partnership. They support each other, meet regularly and even joke about their status as 'frenemies.' “We’ve developed, I think, a very good rapport, Clinton said recently. “I see the...

Obama Team Already Planning for 2012

Plouffe, Axelrod, Messina lay groundwork for reelection campaign

(Newser) - President Obama’s inner circle is already privately laying the groundwork for his 2012 reelection campaign. The planning so far consists mostly of informal private conversations, in between more rigorous 2010 planning, but insiders tell Politico that the consensus is that the campaign will be run out of Chicago, managed...

Populism Never Wins the White House

 Wins the 
 White House 

Populism Never Wins the White House

It's not Palin's fault she's just a media spectacle: George F. Will

(Newser) - Once upon a time, George F. Will writes, a maverick Arizona senator ran for president with “a running mate most Americans had never heard of and who had negligible experience pertinent to the presidency.” That was 1964, the candidate was Barry Goldwater, and his VP choice was Bill...

Sarah Palin Chosen Out of 'Desperation'
 Sarah Palin Chosen 
 Out of 'Desperation' 

Sarah Palin Chosen Out of 'Desperation'

Campaign strategist, authors discuss new book Game Change

(Newser) - When Sarah Palin memorably asked Joe Biden, “Can I call you Joe?” during the vice-presidential debate, it was a strategy—but not the strategy everyone assumed. During debate prep, Palin kept referring to Biden as “O’Biden,” campaign strategist Steve Schmidt tells CBS . “When you had...

He's Baaack: Dean Leads Lefty Charge Against Obama

Almost looks like he's running for something...

(Newser) - Howard Dean’s return to the national stage with stinging criticism of the compromises Democratic leaders accepted on health care reform has thrilled disaffected progressives—and even sparked talk of another run for president. One liberal blogger says his dusted-off bona fides make Dean “perfectly positioned” to challenge Obama...

JFK's 1960 Campaign Goes on Twitter

 JFK's 1960 
 Goes on 
50th anniversary

JFK's 1960 Campaign Goes on Twitter

Kennedy library marks anniversary of his presidential run

(Newser) - This just in to Twitter: "Today I, Massachusetts Democratic Senator John F. Kennedy, announce my candidacy for the President of the United States of America." To mark the 50th anniversary of JFK's winning presidential run, his library has begun tweeting daily updates from the campaign. The tweets will...

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