Lauren Caitlin Upton

2 Stories

New Weezer Video Rules, Borrows From YouTube

'Pork and Beans' boasts 21st-century all-star cast

(Newser) - In less than a week, Weezer's video for the new single "Pork and Beans" has attracted more than 3 million viewers to YouTube—partly by featuring nearly that many existing YouTube sensations. Miss Teen South Carolina, aka Caitlin "the Iraq" Upton, appears, happily lip-syncing the catchy ditty, as...

Teen Contestant All Over Map in Geo Gaffe

Miss SC explains rambling response to 'US Americans'

(Newser) - Miss South Carolina Teen USA will have a second crack at answering the question that made her an internet laughing stock. Asked why some Americans cannot locate the US on a map, she launched into a rambling response, referring to  “US Americans," South Africa and “the Iraq....

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