
Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

Baby Deer Euthanized After Humans 'Rescue' It

They, likely wrongly, believed the fawn had been abandoned

(Newser) - “It’s a death sentence when people pick up a baby critter and turn it over to us.” That's the message Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokesperson Joe Lewandowski had for a group of people who tried to help a week-old baby deer last weekend in the La...

Denver Parents Find Hooters Girls at Cub Scout Day Camp

And they weren't happy about it

(Newser) - Parents who went to pick up their Cub Scouts from a day camp in Denver were likely excited to hear about their sons' experience, but that excitement was quickly marred when they found out the camp had been sponsored by Hooters, the AP reports. Although pictures accompanying a Facebook post...

Boycott Urged After Theater Seeks $700K From Shooting Victims

'Don't add to their $194 million profit while they come after Aurora victims'

(Newser) - Calls for a boycott of Cinemark are gaining steam after it was revealed this week that the country's third-largest theater chain was seeking to recoup $700,000 in legal fees from the victims of the deadly Colorado movie theater shooting, the Guardian reports. “Please boycott Cinemark," tweets...

Mom Saves Son From Mountain Lion Attack

The 5-year-old suffered injuries to his head, neck, and face

(Newser) - A Colorado mom whose 5-year-old son was being attacked by a mountain lion leapt into action Friday, fighting off the animal and potentially saving the boy's life, NBC News reports. The boy was playing with his older brother in their yard about 10 miles outside of Aspen when his...

Drunk Diner Accidentally Tips 1,800%

He asked for it back once he'd sobered up

(Newser) - A waiter at a Thai restaurant in Edgewater, Colo., was feeling pretty good about himself after receiving a $1,088 tip over the weekend—until the drunk customer who left it returned to get it back. Owner Bee Anantatho of Thailicious says a server was clearing a table when he...

2 Shots Fired After Man Challenges Daughter to 'Duel'

Dad was booked for child abuse, among other charges

(Newser) - A Colorado man has been arrested after an alleged domestic violence incident that included challenging his daughter to a "duel," KRDO reports. Robert Williams, 38, of Calhan was arguing with his daughter on Wednesday evening when things "escalated to the point that the father pulled out a...

911 Dispatcher Told Them to Return to Scene of Crime; One Ended Up Dead

A court just found the dispatcher not liable

(Newser) - A Colorado 911 dispatcher may have been "foolish" and acting "incompetently," but he's not responsible for the death of a Sudanese immigrant four years ago, according to a court ruling Tuesday. The Denver Post reports Jimma Pal Reat, his brother Ran Pal, and others were driving...

3K Need HIV Tests in Surgery Tech's Drug-Stealing Case

Rocky Allen, accused of swapping syringes at Colorado hospital, tested positive for virus

(Newser) - Another bombshell Wednesday about an ex-surgical tech at a Colorado hospital who allegedly stole liquid painkillers by swapping syringes, per federal prosecutors: He has HIV, putting thousands of former patients at risk, the Denver Post reports. Rocky Allen, 28, accused of stealing fentanyl citrate in January from Swedish Medical Center...

After Girl's Suicide Attempt, Teacher Pens 130 'Incredible' Notes

She wanted to make every student feel special

(Newser) - When finals wrapped up at Rampart High School in Colorado Springs last week, Brittni Darras handed each of her students a handwritten letter. They contained messages like, "I hope you know how special you are to me" and "You inspire me to be a better person." It...

Kindergartener Suspended for Packing Bubble Gun

'Could we have a warning?' asks mom

(Newser) - A 5-year-old in Colorado is in hot water for bringing a gun to school. A toy bubble gun. The girl's mother—Emma, no last name given—tells Fox 31 that she didn't know her daughter had stashed the plastic toy in her backpack. She says she was shocked...

Cops: Babysitter Takes Kids Along for Bank Robbery

She claimed there was a man threatening to hurt them

(Newser) - Apparently the Babysitters Club turned into more of a Babysitters Gang as they got older. The Coloradoan reports a 28-year-old babysitter allegedly used the two children she was taking care of to rob a bank Friday in Severance. Authorities say Rachel Einspahr pulled up to the drive-thru at the Colorado...

She Sent Her Boyfriend Ultrasound Photo, Vanished

Kelsie Schelling's family is suing the police department for a botched investigation

(Newser) - The mother of a Colorado woman who went missing the day after she texted a photo of her eight-week ultrasound to her boyfriend is suing not just his family but local police and city as well. Laura Saxton says her whole world changed on Feb. 4, 2013, when her pregnant...

Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooter Mentally Incompetent

Robert Dear's team can now use his mental health as a defense

(Newser) - A man who acknowledged killing three people at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic is mentally incompetent to continue with his criminal case, a judge ruled Wednesday, stalling the proceedings and potentially setting the stage for a mental health defense. The decision by Judge Gilbert Martinez puts the case against Robert...

This Could Be First Wrongful-Death Lawsuit Against Recreational Pot

Man allegedly killed his wife after eating a marijuana edible

(Newser) - A Colorado family is suing the maker and seller of a marijuana edible for wrongful death after a man ate the candy before allegedly killing his wife. The Denver Post reports it's likely the first-ever such lawsuit against the recreational marijuana industry. Authorities say Richard Kirk ate a Karma...

City Will Pay People Sent to Jail Over Court Fines

The mostly homeless individuals will get $125 per day in jail

(Newser) - In a rare move, Colorado Springs has agreed to pay dozens of people, most of them homeless, who were sent to jail because they couldn't afford to pay fines for minor offenses like panhandling and jaywalking, the AP reports. The $103,000 deal requires the city to pay up...

Woman Gets 100 Years for Cutting Baby From Womb

She didn't express remorse for horrific attack

(Newser) - A judge sentenced a Colorado woman who cut a baby from a stranger's womb to 100 years in prison, including the maximum penalties for attempted murder and unlawful termination of a pregnancy. Judge Maria Berkenkotter said the sentences were justified by the brutality of the 2015 attack , which she...

Town's Entire Police Force Suddenly Quits

Colorado town's new mayor is puzzled

(Newser) - The police station in a small town in the Colorado Rockies has been deserted for days after the sudden resignation of the entire police force. The marshal and three deputies in Green Mountain Falls quit last week for reasons that have not been disclosed, although the resignations are rumored to...

School District Gives Rifles to Security Guards

'It better be well thought out'

(Newser) - A suburban Denver school district is arming its security staff with military-style semiautomatic rifles to protect students in case of a school shooting or other violent attack, the AP reports. The guards, who are not law enforcement officers, already carry handguns. Douglas County School District security director Richard Payne told...

'Haunted Photo' From Hotel Linked to The Shining Goes Viral

Henry Yau snapped pic at the Stanley Hotel

(Newser) - Henry Yau says he had no intention of photographing a ghost. But when looking over a smartphone shot he snapped last week at the Stanley Hotel lobby in Estes Park, Colo., he saw a ghoulish-looking woman at the top of the stairs, the Oregonian reports. "When I took it,...

Trump Op-Ed Rails Against 'Rigged' Political System

He calls for a 'bold infusion of popular will'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has already expressed his anger over Colorado's primary system, which handed Ted Cruz all of the state's delegates, and in a new Wall Street Journal op-ed, he goes into more detail. Republicans in the state weren't allowed to vote, and ever since the results came...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>