gun control

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44% of Teens Could Get a Gun
 44% of Teens Could Get a Gun 

44% of Teens Could Get a Gun

Survey also shows 33% know someone who has been shot

(Newser) - Teenagers today are perilously familiar with guns. In a new survey from Teenage Research Unlimited, 44% said they could get a handgun if they wanted to, WBEZ reports. About a third of respondents also said that they personally knew someone who'd been shot, and 37% say they actively fear...

At GOP Convention, Squirt Guns Banned, Real Guns OK

'New York Times' points out the absurdity of Florida gun laws

(Newser) - The city of Tampa wants to make sure the Republican National Convention goes off without incident, so it has temporarily banned clubs, hatchets, switchblades, pepper spray, slingshots, and even squirt guns from the downtown area this summer. But it hasn't banned actual guns, because it's legally prohibited from...

For Trayvon Killing, Bill Maher Blames ... Liberals

'Real Time' host implicates liberals for giving up on gun law battle

(Newser) - Surprise surprise, Bill Maher minced no words last night in giving his opinion on the latest Trayvon Martin news, Huffington Post reports. Showing a video on "Real Time" of George Zimmerman arriving at a police station , Maher recounted Zimmerman's story about getting a broken nose fighting Martin—and...

Gun Lobby Needs Something Better to Do
 Gun Lobby Needs 
 Something Better to Do 
Gail Collins

Gun Lobby Needs Something Better to Do

Gail Collins thinks these guys are getting bored

(Newser) - You have to pity the National Rifle Association; it's running out of things to lobby for. “You can only legalize carrying a concealed weapon in church once,” observes Gail Collins of the New York Times . Many state legislatures have stretched gun-friendly laws to the limit, but the...

Cop&#39;s Son Shoots 7-Year-Old Sis Dead
Cop's Son Shoots
7-Year-Old Sis Dead

Cop's Son Shoots 7-Year-Old Sis Dead

Siblings were left alone in officer dad's van

(Newser) - The young son of a Washington state cop picked up a gun he found in his absent dad's van and fatally shot his 7-year-old sister. The girl and her younger brother were waiting in the van while their parents were nearby outside, said a Marysville police officer. "At...

12 More States May OK Carrying Gun Without Permit

It's already legal in 4 states, but gun control advocates appalled

(Newser) - Bills are in the works in at least 12 states to allow residents to buy and carry concealed weapons without a permit, USA Today reports. Gun control advocates are naturally appalled. "They want a gun in every nook and cranny in society with no permission needed," fumes a...

Maryland Court Strikes Down Gun Control Law

Handgun permit system unconstitutional, judge decides

(Newser) - Maryland has no right to demand that residents explain why they need to carry a gun outside the home, a federal judge ruled yesterday, declaring the state's handgun permit system unconstitutional. The law required residents to provide a "good and substantial reason” to carry a gun, but "...

Colorado Supreme Court: Students Can Carry Guns

Judges strike down ban on concealed weapons

(Newser) - Congrats to Colorado students who like packing heat on a school day: The state Supreme Court today ruled against a gun ban at the University of Colorado, the Denver Post reports. The justices unanimously agreed that the school's board of regents had overstepped its bounds in barring licensed concealed...

Ohio Victim's Mom Begged Son: Don't Go, Danny

'He doesn't get to live his life,' says heartsick Dina Parmertor

(Newser) - Ohio mom Dina Parmertor had a "sick feeling" when she heard about the shooting at Chardon High School on the radio early this week. "I was scared," she says, and tried to call her son—but there was no answer, she tells CBS News . "Danny, it'...

Third-Grader Shot With Classmate's Gun

Boy, 9, booked on suspicion of assault

(Newser) - A third-grade girl was shot in the stomach yesterday at her Washington state elementary school when a loaded handgun in the backpack of a classmate apparently discharged accidentally, said officials. The girl was in critical condition last night in a Seattle hospital. The 9-year-old boy who brought the handgun has...

Bloomberg Rips Congress Over Stalled Gun Control Laws

New York mayor evokes Gabrielle Giffords in criticism of Capitol Hill

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to know "who has to get killed" for Congress to support gun control laws. Appearing on Meet the Press today, Bloomberg said he has made a gun control ad with Boston Mayor Thomas Menino to air during the Super Bowl, Mediaite reports. Then...

Virginia Aims to Kill Gun-a-Month Purchase Cap

State Senate expected to do away with 19-year-old limit today

(Newser) - Today's big gun story comes not from Arizona , but Virginia: The Virginia Senate aims today to shoot down a 19-year-old cap limiting residents to buying just one gun a month. Earlier this week, the Senate also passed a bill prohibiting towns from requiring fingerprints from people seeking permits to...

Arizona Gun Club Lets Kids Pose With Santa, Weapon

Scottsdale Gun Club offers unusual St. Nick pics

(Newser) - Colt peacemaker on Earth, good ammo to men. That's apparently the holiday wish for all at Arizona's Scottsdale Gun Club, which is giving members and their kids a chance to pose with a "nervous-looking Santa" and the weapon of their choice, reports the Telegraph . "Get your...

Sheriff to Women: Pack a Pistol to Shoot Rapists

Gun control is getting your barrel on a target, says SC lawman

(Newser) - Ladies, if you want to stop rapists, start packing heat. That's the advice from a South Carolina sheriff who reassures women that "you ain't got to be accurate; you just have to get close." Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright was moved to encourage local gals to...

Record 43% of Women Have a Gun in Home
 Record 43%
 of Women Have 
 a Gun in Home 
survey says

Record 43% of Women Have a Gun in Home

Poll finds record low support for gun control

(Newser) - In a record high, 43% of American women say there is a gun in their household. That number was 36% last year, the Los Angeles Times reports. Even more men—52%—reported a gun in their home or on their property; in 2010, 45% did so. But, the Times notes,...

California Bans Carrying Guns Openly in Public

Frequent sight of guns was scaring people: police

(Newser) - California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill banning the open carrying of handguns in public, he announced today. Police had opposed existing rules allowing Californians to carry unloaded guns openly, saying the practice scared onlookers, Politico reports. "As law enforcement officials tell me, it’s not safe and...

Supreme Court Rejects Gun Control Case

Man convicted for carrying gun without permit

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has opted not to hear a case on the right to carry a gun outside the home, Reuters reports. Maryland’s top court upheld a state law requiring a permit to carry a handgun outside of home; the federal justices’ refusal of the case means the state’...

Right to Bear Arms Secure, Gun Lobby Goes to Extremes

It's pushing for unnecessarily dangerous measures: Adam Cohen

(Newser) - Bravo to the federal court that blocked a Florida law restricting a doctor’s right to ask patients whether they own guns, writes Adam Cohen in Time . The court’s move wasn't just a free-speech victory: It was a "rare setback" for gun-rights advocates who, these days, "...

Gun Rights Debate Shifts to California

Bill on governor's desk would make it illegal to openly carry firearms

(Newser) - The gun-control debate faces a California test: A bill on Gov. Jerry Brown's desk would make it illegal for residents to openly carry a gun. If Brown signs it, California would be the first state since 1987 to ban the practice, notes the Los Angeles Times . Brown is a...

Downside to Pistol-Packing: Man Shoots Own Penis

Gun tucked into his waistband accidentally discharges

(Newser) - Here's one more argument for stricter gun control: A pistol-packer can shoot his own penis. A Phoenix shopper found that out the extremely painful way when he tucked his girlfriend's pink pistol into his waistband and it accidentally discharged in a grocery store parking lot—sending a bullet...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>