
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Cuba Mystery: Even Castro Baffled by Harm to US Diplomats

In rarity, Cuban president didn't accuse US officials of lying

(Newser) - Raul Castro seemed rattled. The Cuban president sent for the top American envoy in the country to address grave concerns about a spate of US diplomats harmed in Havana. There was talk of futuristic "sonic attacks" and the subtle threat of repercussions by the US. The way Castro responded...

Mystery of Cuba Attacks Deepens, Baffling Experts

Symptoms are 'not possible' to explain

(Newser) - The blaring, grinding noise jolted the American diplomat from his bed in a Havana hotel. He moved just a few feet, and there was silence. He climbed back into bed. Inexplicably, the agonizing sound hit him again. It was as if he'd walked through some invisible wall cutting straight...

US: Health Attack on Diplomats in Cuba Didn't Stop

State Department confirms there was an August incident

(Newser) - Mysterious incidents affecting the health of American diplomats in Cuba continued as recently as August, the United States said Friday, despite earlier US assessments that the attacks had long stopped. The US increased its tally of government personnel affected to 19. The new US disclosures came the same day...

Weird Cuba Incidents Left US Diplomats With Brain Injuries

This is being taken very seriously, State Dept. says

(Newser) - American diplomats treated after a series of unexplained incidents in Havana had health problems including mild traumatic brain injury and central nervous system damage, according to medical records seen by CBS News . The diplomats, some of whom ended up having to leave Cuba, were treated by an American doctor after...

Canada: One of Our Diplomats Had Hearing Loss in Cuba, Too

US officials think Cuba used some kind of sonic device against foreign workers

(Newser) - The Canadian government said Thursday that at least one Canadian diplomat in Cuba has been treated for hearing loss, following disclosures that a group of American diplomats in Havana suffered the same. US officials believe they were caused by an advanced sonic device, per the AP . Global Affairs Canada spokeswoman...

US Expels Cuban Diplomats After Strange Incidents

US diplomats in Cuba 'suffered severe hearing loss'

(Newser) - The State Department has expelled two diplomats from the Cuban Embassy in Washington following a series of unexplained incidents in Cuba that left US officials there with physical symptoms that one official said includes potentially permanent hearing loss. Spokeswoman Heather Nauert said the two Cubans were asked to leave the...

Cuba Wants to Help Its People Have Sex
Cuba Wants to Help
Its People Have Sex
in case you missed it

Cuba Wants to Help Its People Have Sex

State-run 'love motels' to return to Havana amid lack of privacy driven by housing crisis

(Newser) - Cuba wants to help its citizens have sex … in private. As the BBC reports, it's not unusual to see couples getting intimate in Havana's public areas, like parks and beaches, because they don't have the privacy to do so at home. The nation's housing crunch...

Trump Rolls Back 'Misguided' Deal With Cuba

'I am canceling the last administration's completely one-sided deal with Cuba'

(Newser) - President Trump declared Friday he was restoring some travel and economic restrictions on Cuba that were lifted as part of the Obama administration's historic easing, the AP reports. He challenged the communist government of Raul Castro to negotiate a better deal for Cubans and Cuban-Americans. "I am canceling...

One Change on Cuba Under Trump: No More Solo Trips

Americans who visit will have to be in tour groups under Trump revisions

(Newser) - Stopping short of a complete turnabout, President Trump is expected Friday to announce a revised Cuba policy aimed at stopping the flow of US cash to the country's military and security services while maintaining diplomatic relations and allowing US airlines and cruise ships to continue service to the island,...

Here's What Trump Has Planned for Cuba

Tillerson says new policy will pressure Cuba on human rights

(Newser) - The upside to former President Obama's landmark deal to normalize relations with Cuba is that the Cuban people have benefited, says Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. The downside, he says, is that they haven't benefited enough. While commending the increased commercial activity in Cuba, Tillerson told the Senate...

These Snakes Don't Capture Prey Like You Might Expect

Cuban boas apparently coordinate the hunt

(Newser) - Time to nix that belief you've been clinging to that snakes are "mostly solitary and stupid," Vladimir Dinets tells Gizmodo . The University of Tennessee researcher has found one particular Caribbean species that apparently hunts together. Dinets' study in the Animal Behavior and Cognition journal details his research...

He Won Fight to Leave Prison, Now Faces Deportation

Rene Lima-Marin is in ICE custody

(Newser) - Rene Lima-Marin may not be reunited with his family after all. The Colorado man freed from prison, rearrested , then ordered freed once again was handed over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement just before he was due to walk free Wednesday and could now be deported, reports the Denver Post . The...

Cuba's Capital Now Has a Luxury Mall

It's run by the military's tourism arm

(Newser) - The saleswomen in L'Occitane en Provence's new Havana store make $12.50 a month. The acacia eau de toilette they sell costs $95.20 a bottle. A few doors down, a Canon EOS camera goes for $7,542.01. A Bulgari watch, $10,200. In the heart of...

Condoms an Integral Part of the Process at Cuba Winery

They cover jars, inflate as wine ages

(Newser) - The sweet smell of fermenting fruit fills the streets around the modest Havana home where Orestes Estevez and his family fill glass jugs with grapes, ginger, and hibiscus, then slip a condom over each glass neck to start the unusual process of winemaking in a land famed for rum. From...

White Sox Player Ate His Passport on a Plane

Jose Abreu testified he had to get rid of fake doc before landing in US

(Newser) - Some people snack on the peanuts offered on airline flights; Jose Abreu scarfs down beer and pieces of his passport. That's what the first baseman for the Chicago White Sox testified Wednesday in Miami at a trial for a baseball agent and a trainer accused of smuggling Cuban baseball...

Cuba a Hot Spot for US Travelers? Not So Much

Airlines are scaling back flights to Cuba just months after launching them

(Newser) - It seems Cuba isn't the hot-spot destination US airlines thought it was going to be when they started offering flights to the communist nation for the first time in half a century last year. It started in November when American Airlines announced it was reducing its service to Cuba,...

Obama Is Ending Cubans' Special Immigration Privileges

Official says Obama will do away with longstanding 'wet foot, dry foot' policy

(Newser) - President Obama is ending a longstanding immigration policy that allows any Cuban who makes it to US soil to stay and become a legal resident, the AP reports. The repeal of the "wet foot, dry foot" policy is effective immediately, according a senior administration official. The decision follows months...

This Will Be the 1st Cuban Export to US

Artisanal charcoal is used in pizza and bread ovens

(Newser) - Artisanal charcoal will become the first legal Cuban export to the US in decades under a deal announced Thursday between Cuba's government and the former lawyer for imprisoned US government contractor Alan Gross. Attorney Scott Gilbert said a company that he founded will buy 40 tons of charcoal made...

How to Pay Off $276M Debt? Cuba Gets Creative

Havana wants to offer bottles of rum that would keep Czech Republic liquored up for more than 100 years

(Newser) - Who says arguments can't be settled and accounts squared over a good bottle of booze—or many of them. Cuba is apparently considering that route in taking care of the $276 million it owes the Czech Republic, with the BBC reporting the proposed volume of rum would last the...

Cuba Lays Fidel Castro to Rest
Cuba Lays Fidel Castro to Rest 

Cuba Lays Fidel Castro to Rest

Revolutionary leader quietly interred in ceremony made private at last minute

(Newser) - Fidel Castro's ashes were being interred in a private ceremony Sunday morning after Cuban officials canceled plans to broadcast the events live on national and international television at the last minute. International media were also barred, reports the AP . The remains of the man who ruled Cuba for a...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>