Asif Ali Zardari

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Pakistan's Zardari Sworn In

New president under pressure to tackle Islamic militants

(Newser) - Asif Ali Zardari took office as Pakistan's new president today, facing immediate pressure to crack down on Islamic militants and address daunting economic problems. Afghanistan’s Hamid Karzai was present at a brief ceremony to swear in the widower of assassinated ex-PM Benazir Bhutto, his presence an imposing reminder of...

Zardari Breezes Into Pakistani Presidency

Bhutto's widower backed by Parliament, US

(Newser) - Asif Ali Zardari, widower of assassinated Benazir Bhutto, easily won Pakistan’s presidential election today in an unsurprising outcome favored by the US, the New York Times reports. Zardari, who has little governing experience, gains significant authority, including the ability to dissolve Parliament—a power he has pledged to forego....

Pakistan Prez Comes With Lots of Baggage

Bhutto's widower, the prisoner playboy, takes reins tomorrow

(Newser) - Asif Ali Zardari was once merely Benazir Bhutto’s polo-loving playboy of a husband, who was jailed for corruption and suspected of much worse. But tomorrow, he’ll become president of Pakistan. Bhutto’s death made Zardari an almost accidental leader of his party, and friends say his ignominious past...

Pakistani Democracy Is Achievable: Bhutto Widower

Zardari: stakes high in Saturday's elections

(Newser) - Pakistan, still reeling from Benazir Bhutto's assassination and Pervez Musharraf's resignation, can get a grip on terrorists and win the fight against dictatorship, insists Bhutto’s widower in a Washington Post op-ed outlining the stakes in Saturday's election. Asif Ali Zardari, who’s running for president, vows to continue his...

Pakistan's Sharif Faces Charges of Corruption

Prosecutors go after former PM days before presidential vote

(Newser) - Nawaz Sharif, whose party recently pulled out of Pakistan's ruling coalition, is about to face corruption charges, Pakistani prosecutors said today. A two-time prime minister whom Pervez Musharraf deposed in 1999, Sharif will be charged with money laundering and loan defaults, as well as "the accumulation of wealth beyond...

Bhutto Widower Plagued by Mental Illness

Presidential contender Zardari has suffered from dementia, PTSD

(Newser) - The leading candidate to succeed Pervez Musharraf as president of Pakistan has a long history of mental illness and was suffering from severe psychiatric problems as recently as 2007, reports the Financial Times. Asif Ali Zardari, who took over the Pakistan People's Party after the assassination of his wife Benazir...

Party Quits Pakistan Coalition
 Party Quits Pakistan Coalition

Party Quits Pakistan Coalition

People's Party, government's senior partner, likely to remain, with new allies

(Newser) - Pakistan’s coalition government collapsed today, the Wall Street Journal reports, with the Pakistan Muslim League—led by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif—breaking with the Pakistan People’s Party. Sharif said his party was quitting the alliance because it wouldn’t restore judges sacked by just-ousted president Pervez Musharraf....

Democracy to Avenge Bhutto's Death: Zardari

Prez nominee says no deal was cut with departing Musharraf

(Newser) - Democracy will avenge Benazir Bhutto's death and diminish rising extremism in Pakistan, Bhutto's widower tells Newsweek. Asif Ali Zardari, now a presidential nominee, says he cut no deal with departing president Pervez Musharraf and hopes he will stay to witness rule by the people. “Personally I would like him...

Pakistan Rivals Agree to Debate Fate of Judges

Bhutto's widower becomes frontrunner for Sept. 6 election

(Newser) - Pakistan's rival parties will debate next week whether to reinstate judges fired by ousted President Musharraf, a sign of compromise on an issue that has threatened to dissolve the ruling coalition, Reuters reports. Meanwhile, the nation's biggest party, the PPP, has nominated Benazir Bhutto's widower, Asif Ali Zardari, to replace...

Bhutto Widower Moves Closer to Presidency

Pakistan's Zardari wins key opposition support to succeed Musharraf

(Newser) - A major opposition party has backed Asif Ali Zardari, Benazir Bhutto's widower and the leader of the Pakistan People's Party, to succeed Pervez Musharraf as president, reports the AP. Zardari's support from the MQM, a party once loyal to Musharraf, will strengthen his hand in a struggle with coalition partner...

Musharraf Will Quit Tomorrow, Flee: Mag

Presidential spokesman denies allegations

(Newser) - Pakistan President Musharraf will likely resign tomorrow, a former Musharraf aide told Newsweek, and flee to Saudi Arabia for three months of exile. Pakistan's top military commanders are aware of the news, but Musharraf's camp officially denies the story. "Your source is a liar. The information you have is...

Coalition Moves to Impeach Musharraf

Party leaders agree terms to oust president

(Newser) - Pakistan's opposition leaders reached an early-morning deal to impeach embattled president Pervez Musharraf unless he voluntarily steps down, reports the Times of London. A list of charges is being drawn up, and will give the president options to defend himself before Parliament. Musharraf vowed to fight his ouster, saying, "...

Bhutto Investigation Going Nowhere

Though her party now rules Pakistan, Dec. assassination 'a forgotten chapter'

(Newser) - There doesn’t seem to be much urgency behind the hunt for Benazir Bhutto’s killers, the Los Angeles Times reports, though her party has come to power in Pakistan since the Dec. 27 assassination. The government still hasn’t commissioned an independent investigation, and police have all but abandoned...

Rival Calls for Musharraf's Head

'We asked you to quit with honor but you didn't,' Sharif says

(Newser) - A political rival blasted President Pervez Musharraf today, leading a massive crowd to chant “Hang him, hang him,” the New York Times reports. In a televised address that capped off days of protest in Islamabad, Nawaz Sharif grew heated: “We asked you to quit with honor after...

'Traitor' Musharraf Should Be Tried: Sharif

Pakistan coalition continues to disagree on president's fate

(Newser) - Nawaz Sharif labeled Pervez Musharraf a "traitor" today, and claimed his allies in Pakistan's coalition government had agreed to oust the president, the AP reports. "A high treason case should be registered against him and he should be given the punishment of a traitor," Sharif told members...

Pakistan Teeters After Ministers Quit Coalition

Sharif pulls out over rehiring judges; Zardari will lead talks

(Newser) - Pakistan's 6-week-old government is in turmoil today after the prime minister refused to accept the resignation of nine members of the cabinet. Former PM Nawaz Sharif led the walkout in a dispute over the reinstatement of judges sacked during last year's state of emergency, reports the BBC.

Judges' Dispute Sunders Pakistan's Ruling Coalition

Sharif's Muslim League breaks with People's Party, will still support government

(Newser) - The second-largest party in Pakistan's ruling coalition pulled out today after a disagreement over the reinstatement of judges removed by President Pervez Musharraf, Bloomberg reports. Nawaz Sharif said nine Pakistan Muslim League ministers would leave the cabinet led by Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, but would not enter the opposition,...

Pakistan Parties Agree on Judges' Return

Justices axed by Musharraf set to be reseated by parliament

(Newser) - Pakistan’s ruling political parties have reached a deal to reinstate the judges Pervez Musharraf fired during his state of emergency, the BBC reports today. The agreement leaves intact the anti-Musharraf coalition that almost splintered over the issue. Asif Ali Zardari, head of the Pakistan Peoples Party, wanted reinstatement tied...

Bhutto's Party Nominates New Prime Minister

Ex-speaker once went to jail to avoid cutting deal with Musharraf

(Newser) - The party of ex-premier Benazir Bhutto named Yusuf Raza Gillani as its pick for prime minister of Pakistan today, the BBC reports. He is virtually guaranteed to be voted in Tuesday but won’t be PM for long, analysts say. The ex-speaker is expected to step down as soon as...

Pakistan's New Leaders Will Open Talks With Militants

New coalition will defy US, open negotiations

(Newser) - Pakistan's new coalition government says it will negotiate with the militants thought to be behind a wave of recent suicide bombings, the New York Times reports. The change in strategy will alarm US officials, who have recently stepped up strikes on suspected al-Qaeda strongholds using pilotless Predator drones. Pakistanis blame...

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