video violence

8 Stories

Rendition: Gitmo Joins Shunned Video Games

Many games have been met with outrage

(Newser) - A storm of bad publicity about Rendition: Guantanamo—a video game about falsely-accused Gitmo detainees trying to escape—forced the game makers to can it this week. It's far from the only game to test the boundaries, ABC reports:
  • Atomic Games dumped development of Six Days in Fallujah amid protests

1st Amendment v. Dogfight Video: High Court to Decide

Conviction rests on First Amendment status of animal abuse tapes

(Newser) - The Supreme Court agreed today to hear that pits the First Amendment against the production and sale of dogfighting videos, the Chicago Tribune reports. The case involves a man jailed for selling several brutally explicit videos of pit bulls fighting. A federal appeals court overturned his conviction on grounds that...

Calif. Court Blasts Violent Game Ban

(Newser) - A federal appeals court ruled today that violent video games can be sold to minors in California, GameSpot reports. Upholding a lower court's decision, the judges struck down a state law that sought to ban the sale of violent games to those under 18. The law violated free speech rights,...

Amazon Yanks Video Rape Game
 Amazon Yanks 
 Video Rape Game 

Amazon Yanks Video Rape Game

Finally decides it's not appropriate after consumer complaints

(Newser) - Amazon will no longer offer a video rape game, following consumer complaints, reports the Daily Telegraph. The Japanese game Rapelay instructs virtual players to stalk and rape women, then force them to abort any resulting pregnancies. "We determined that we did not want to be selling this particular item,...

Parents Say Knight Too Dark for Kids
Parents Say Knight Too
Dark for Kids

Parents Say Knight Too Dark for Kids

But despite 'intense sequences of violence,' film still rated PG-13

(Newser) - Parents who saw the PG-13 rating attached to The Dark Knight and decided to bring the kids along are walking away, if not dissatisfied, then a little miffed. “I know it's a good movie, but it should have been rated R,” one surprised mother tells USA Today. Another...

Game Over for Teens 'Acting Out' Grand Theft Auto

Six bored pals launched crime spree: cops

(Newser) - Six bored Long Island teenagers have been busted for acting out the violent themes of the controversial video game Grand Theft Auto IV with a real life spree of break-ins, a mugging, a beating and a carjacking, police charge. "These teens have difficulty separating fact from fiction, fantasy from...

Grand Theft Auto Pushes Buttons
 Grand Theft Auto  
 Pushes Buttons  
new release

Grand Theft Auto Pushes Buttons

Parents, legislators fight to limit sales

(Newser) - Ahead of Tuesday’s release of the latest game in the hugely popular Grand Theft Auto series, the violent games—and others like them—face widespread controversy, USA Today reports. Chicago is pulling ads from buses and parents’ groups are urging retailers not to sell to kids; meanwhile, legal action...

UK Plans Gamer Crackdown
UK Plans Gamer Crackdown

UK Plans Gamer Crackdown

Brits want to keep violent games out of the hands of children

(Newser) - Big Brother is looking to land hard on the video game industry in the UK, the Guardian reports, as the government plans to rate games for violence and make it illegal to sell them to children. Government ministers are also considering measures to block kids' Internet access to unsuitable games,...

8 Stories