gun violence

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Powerful Images From the National Walkout

Thousands of students are participating in Wednesday's protest

(Newser) - Thousands of students walked out of schools across the nation and even abroad as part of Wednesday's protest against gun violence , with the AP reporting that moods at the protests ranged from somber to angry. The walkout marked the one-month anniversary of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High...

'No Time More Critical': Students Walk Out Again

They'll protest gun violence, from US to Australia

(Newser) - Ten days before a massive rally against gun violence in Washington, DC, students across the country will walk out of school Wednesday to mark one month since the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. Students at elementary schools, high schools, and universities will walk out...

7K Children's Shoes Placed on Capitol Lawn

There was a pair for every child killed by gunfire since Sandy Hook

(Newser) - Some 7,000 pairs of children's shoes were placed on the lawn of the Capitol building Tuesday as a haunting reminder of children killed by gun violence. The advocacy group Avaaz, which organized the display, says the shoes represented all the children killed by gunfire since the Sandy Hook...

Governor Signs 'Historic' Gun Bill After Parkland

Meanwhile, Parkland 911 calls were released

(Newser) - Among the newly released recordings of 911 calls from the Parkland school shooting, the parents of a 17-year-old girl can be heard telling a dispatcher that their daughter is texting from a classroom where the door's glass was shot out. "Three shot in her room. Oh, my God....

Mom Allegedly Checked on Shot Child, Returned to Work

Prosecutor says Alyssa Edwards' son called her at 10am, she was back at work an hour later

(Newser) - A prosecutor says an 8-year-old Ohio boy loaded a rifle, repeatedly shot his 4-year-old sister at home, and then informed their mother, who left work to check the girl's injuries, cleaned up a bloody bed cover, and then returned to work, leaving the children alone again. The woman, 27-year-old...

US Has First New Gun Law Since Florida Shooting

Oregon bill bans domestic abusers from owning firearms

(Newser) - A bill prohibiting domestic abusers and people under restraining orders from owning firearms has become America's first new gun control law since the Feb. 14 Florida high school massacre. "Well done Oregon," Democratic Gov. Kate Brown exclaimed Monday after signing the law on the steps of the...

A High-Speed Bullet, Then 'Ghastly' Injuries

Trauma surgeons describe the 'haunting' wounds they've seen from assault-style rifles

(Newser) - While the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School has caused horror nationwide, only a few have actually seen the damage wrought to victims' bodies by an assault-style rifle. The New York Times talks to five trauma surgeons from all parts of the US, all "haunted by their...

Police: 2 Shot Dead at Central Michigan University

School remains on lockdown with gunman still at large; officials say victims weren't students

(Newser) - Two people were fatally shot at a residence hall at Central Michigan University on Friday, and investigators were searching for a 19-year-old suspect considered armed and dangerous, according to the school. Neither victim was a student at the university in Mount Pleasant, and police believe the shooting "started from...

Petition: Parkland Student Hero Should Get Full Military Funeral

Peter Wang held doors for fleeing students, staff; another student hero recovers at a local hospital

(Newser) - Amid the grief and anger, stories of inspiration and heroism continue to emerge out of the Parkland school shooting last week, and a petition is now in place to honor one of the late students who helped his classmates escape to safety. The Sun Sentinel reports that the petition on...

Cops Were at Florida Suspect&#39;s House 39 Times
Cops Were at Florida
Suspect's House 39 Times

Cops Were at Florida Suspect's House 39 Times

Nikolas Cruz's lawyers call him a 'broken child'; ex-classmates aren't so generous

(Newser) - The FBI has acknowledged that it received a tip about Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Kruz in January that wasn't properly investigated, as details continue to trickle in on the 19-year-old's evolution "from 'broken child' to mass killer" in the words of CNN . His defense attorneys say...

Football Coach Fatally Shielded Students During School Shooting

Suspect Nikolas Cruz bought gun legally

(Newser) - A heroic football coach fatally jumped in front of students to protect them during Wednesday's mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, witnesses say. "Can everyone please take a second to pray for my coach today he took serval [sic] bullets covering other students at Douglas,"...

Report: One Dead, Several Injured in Ky. School Shooting
2 Teens Dead,
12 Others Wounded
at Kentucky School
the rundown

2 Teens Dead, 12 Others Wounded at Kentucky School

Alleged shooter is a 15-year-old boy

(Newser) - Another school shooting is in the news, this time in western Kentucky. Two 15-year-olds, a boy and a girl, were fatally shot Tuesday morning at Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky. Twelve others were injured by gunfire, and another five were otherwise injured in the chaos that ensued, says...

Chicago Boy Shot in 2016 Shoots Himself in Hand

5-year-old found father's illegal gun

(Newser) - A 5-year-old boy who was struck in the face last year by a stray bullet fired during a drive-by shooting accidentally shot himself in the hand this week with a gun his father had obtained illegally, Chicago police say. Kavan Collins found the loaded, uncased gun under a mattress in...

California Shooter Was Banned From Owning Guns

Police say Kevin Neal used 2 homemade rifles

(Newser) - The man who killed five people in a shooting rampage in California on Tuesday was banned by court order from owning firearms—and police are being criticized for failing to take action after neighbors in Rancho Tehama Reserve complained that he had been firing hundreds of rounds. At a press...

Marilyn Manson: Pointing Fake Rifle at Audience 'a Statement'

Rocker's move came on day of Texas mass shooting

(Newser) - On Sunday night—the same day 26 people were killed in a mass shooting at a Texas church—Marilyn Manson pointed a fake assault rifle at the audience during his performance at Ozzfest Meets Knotfest and pretended to fire. The rocker is now defending the move, which took place in...

Michael Moore Has Penned a 28th Amendment

He wants to dump 'outdated' Second Amendment

(Newser) - In a move highly unlikely to be approved by the NRA, Michael Moore has come up with a replacement for what he says is the "ancient and outdated" Second Amendment. In a Facebook post Wednesday, Moore offered a 28th Amendment that protects the right of people to "be...

What We Know About Gunman Stephen Paddock

Authorities haven't declared a motive for Vegas shooter; brother 'dumbfounded'

(Newser) - The media is scrambling to get information about the 64-year-old identified as the gunman in what's now the worst mass shooting in American history. As of Monday morning, however, details about Stephen Paddock and any possible motive were scant. A brother who lives near Orlando, Fla., says he's...

Las Vegas Strip Shut Down After Mass Shooting
Las Vegas Strip Shut Down
After Mass Shooting

Las Vegas Strip Shut Down After Mass Shooting

At least 2 dead after country music festival fired on

(Newser) - Las Vegas police say one suspect is "down" after a mass shooting at a country music festival that has left at least two people dead and dozens wounded. University Medical Center spokeswoman Danita Cohen says 26 people were admitted to the hospital, the AP reports. Authorities shut down part...

Suspected School Shooter Told Friends He'd Do 'Something Stupid'

Victim Sam Strahan died protecting others, says sheriff

(Newser) - Ami Strahan lost her husband on Father's Day when a motor home he was working on fell atop him. Less than three months later, she'd also lose her son. Sam Strahan was shot in the head shortly after 10am Wednesday by a schoolmate at Freeman High School in...

At Least 102 Shot in Chicago Over Holiday Weekend

Cops there are 'frustrated'

(Newser) - It was a long and bloody weekend in Chicago, where police say at least 102 people were shot between Friday afternoon and early Wednesday, 15 of them fatally. Police say they're "perplexed" and "frustrated" by the scale of the gun violence, which comes after a relatively peaceful...

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