conservative vote

4 Stories

Poll: McCain Trails by 3 in Arizona

Libertarian Barr seen into GOP candidate's rightward flank

(Newser) - A new online poll shows Barack Obama leading John McCain 42%-39% in the Republican’s home state of Arizona. Libertarian hopeful Bob Barr is playing a sizable spoiler role, the Washington Independent reports, with 7% of Arizona voters giving him their backing—including 16% who call themselves very conservative. (Independent...

With GOP Adrift, McCain Does Left-Right Shimmy
With GOP Adrift, McCain
Does Left-Right Shimmy

With GOP Adrift, McCain Does Left-Right Shimmy

Candidate dances to keep conservatives, independents on his side

(Newser) - John McCain seems to be doing a sidestep between left and right while Barack Obama waltzes toward the center, Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post. On issues like energy policy, the GOP candidate lurches between riling the right and enraging greenies. Apparently feeling nostalgic, Milbank writes, "McCain's route...

Bush: Mac Has 'Courage' to Lead
Bush: Mac Has 'Courage' to Lead

Bush: Mac Has 'Courage' to Lead

President endorses Arizona senator a day after GOP nomination assured

(Newser) - George Bush endorsed John McCain in a Rose Garden appearance today, saying his former foe has the “character, courage, and perseverance” to be president. One day after the Arizona senator clinched the Republican nomination, he said of Bush, “I appreciate his endorsement, and I appreciate his service to...

Bush 41 Lauds McCain as 'True Conservative'

Ex-prez endorses, defends candidate

(Newser) - George H.W. Bush formally endorsed John McCain today, praising the Arizona senator as a "true conservative" in the latest attempt to rally Republicans behind their presumptive nominee, the Houston Chronicle reports. "I think that our effort to continue to unite the party will be enhanced dramatically by...

4 Stories