
Stories 1341 - 1360 | << Prev   Next >>

HSM3 Stays Tops at Box Office
 HSM3 Stays Tops at Box Office 

HSM3 Stays Tops at Box Office

Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Saw V round out top 3

(Newser) - High School Musical 3 strutted its way to the top of the box office despite Halloween’s usual decimation of Friday ticket sales, Variety reports. Now in its second week, the teenage singalong bagged $15 million this weekend, with Zack and Miri Make a Porno opening to $10.7 million....

Scariest Flicks for Halloween
 Scariest Flicks for Halloween 

Scariest Flicks for Halloween

Critics counts down Hollywood's best-liked and most-feared horrors

(Newser) - It's Halloween, so grab the popcorn and scare yourself silly. Salon counts down ghoulish classics guaranteed to do the trick.
  • The Exorcist (1973): Despite the years and the hype, this tale of diabolical possession is still Hollywood's most ominous venture into the supernatural.
  • Halloween (1978): The movie that spawned countless

Porno Naughty But Nice
 Porno Naughty But Nice 

Porno Naughty But Nice

Raunchy 'R' rated comedy is a PG romance at heart

(Newser) - Indie director and slacker king Kevin Smith has made a surprisingly tender film with Zack and Miri Make a Porno, critics say. Elizabeth Banks and Seth Rogan star as a pair of "genuinely likable social misfits" whose platonic friendship is put to the test when they decide to...

TiVo Brings Netflix to a TV Near You

Companies finally join forces to offer streaming video

(Newser) - Starting in December, TiVo owners will be able to watch Netflix movies and TV episodes on their televisions, Ars Technica reports. Consumers will need to own a compatible TiVo device and subscribe to both services to get access to over 12,000 movies and shows. The companies first discussed a...

Estelle Reiner Dead at 94
 Estelle Reiner Dead at 94 

Estelle Reiner Dead at 94

'I’ll have what she’s having,' clan matriarch said after famous When Harry Met Sally scene

(Newser) - Estelle Reiner, wife of actor Carl Reiner and mother to actor/director Rob Reiner, died Saturday at her home in Beverly Hills at 94, the New York Times reports. Estelle is perhaps best known for her cameo in Rob’s 1989 film When Harry Met Sally, where, following Meg Ryan’s...

Director Smith: Friendship, not Sex, Is the Heart of Porno

Zack and Miri is a look at friendship, not sex, director says

(Newser) - Zack and Miri do indeed make a porno in Zack and Miri Make a Porno but the movie is about a lot more than just sex, director Kevin Smith tells Reuters. The story about a pair of cash-strapped pals entering the adult film biz is about love and friendship, Smith...

No Glory , Plenty of Cliches
 No Glory, Plenty of Cliches 

No Glory, Plenty of Cliches

Cop thriller a little too much like every other cop thriller to be a classic

(Newser) - Pride and Glory has all the ingredients of a great cop thriller, critics say, but they're ingredients that have been recycled a few too many times. Edward Norton, Colin Farrell, Noah Emmerich, and Jon Voight turn in fine performances as a family of New York cops, Bill Goodykoontz writes in...

Bees More Honey Than Sting
 Bees More Honey Than Sting 

Bees More Honey Than Sting

Sweet Southern coming-of-age story could be one for Oscar buzz

(Newser) - The Secret Life of Bees is a pretty sweet story, critics agree, but all that honey proved a little cloying for some. The story of a troubled South Carolina teen (Dakota Fanning) set in 1964 is "an affecting ensemble piece that's destined to generate a fair share of awards-season...

Guess Who's Ready for Another Kid
Guess Who's Ready for Another Kid

Guess Who's Ready for Another Kid

Jolie, now mom to 6, say she's considering next adoption

(Newser) - Angelina Jolie is already considering adopting a seventh child, she told Matt Lauer on Today. Her twins are nearly 4 months old, leaving the Changeling star with two more months before she could start paperwork. Maddox, 7, has become a “professional big brother,” Jolie joked. And despite rumors...

Hey, Tara, the Strike Is Over
 Hey, Tara,
 the Strike
 Is Over

Hey, Tara, the Strike Is Over

Actress still waiting for writers' strike to end

(Newser) - The Hollywood writers' strike ended in February, but it lives on for Tara Reid, Fox News reports. The American Pie actress last week said she'll "go back into acting once the strike stops." While she waits it out, Reid is focusing on a clothing line inspired by self-help...

How-To Films for Tough Times
 How-To Films for Tough Times 

How-To Films for Tough Times

20 cinematic escapes when you're feeling the Great Depression

(Newser) - Nothing lifts a Great Depression like a visit to the talkies. Gawker recommends 20 films to watch on your iPhone while standing in tomorrow's bread lines—assuming you haven't already sold your iPhone.
  • It's a Wonderful Life: How to survive a bank run, and have a Merry Christmas.
  • Grapes of

Happy-Go-Luck y Dazzles
 Happy-Go-Lucky Dazzles

Happy-Go-Lucky Dazzles

Famously miserable director Mike Leigh takes a look at the brighter side of life

(Newser) - British director Mike Leigh is famed for his gloomy films, but Happy-Go-Lucky leaves critics smiling. The complex look at happiness stars Sally Hawkins as Poppy, a London teacher with a perpetually sunny outlook. "I wanted to throttle her at first," writes Peter Travers in Rolling Stone, but she'll...

Infinite Playlist Has Finite Appeal
 Infinite Playlist Has Finite Appeal 

Infinite Playlist Has Finite Appeal

Love blossoms between indie fans in teen romance with savvy soundtrack

(Newser) - Teen romance Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist turned some critics starry-eyed and others into curmudgeons. Michael Cera and Kat Dennings star as a pair of indie-rock fans who have a crazy night in New York. The "often delightful love story that uses music as its primary backdrop" is reminiscent...

Woody Allen: Audience Tastes Are a Matter of Coarse

Director, working again in Big Apple, weighs in on his fair city and US at large

(Newser) - Mention Woody Allen and people think of the Big Apple. In an interview with Adam Moss in New York, the 72-year-old filmmaker talks about movies, psychoanalysis and, most of all, the city for which he's "always had an irrational love." Allen, who's made 39 films, grew up with...

10 Films About Nasty Business
 10 Films About Nasty Business 

10 Films About Nasty Business

Hollywood takes a cynical approach to bankers

(Newser) - Wall Street executives have it tough these days, but Hollywood has rarely gone easy on guys in suits. USA Today lists 10 definitive films about them:
  • Stagecoach (1939): Like all John Ford movies, this one makes a banker look bad.
  • Splendor in the Grass (1961): A 1930s investor doesn't just

Eagle Eye Soars At Box Office
 Eagle Eye Soars At Box Office 

Eagle Eye Soars At Box Office

Spike Lee's new war film barely breaks Top 10

(Newser) - Eagle Eye flew into first at the weekend box office by grossing $29.2 million, Variety reports. The Diane Lane-Richard Gere romantic drama Nights in Rodanthe swooned into second place with $13.6 million, while Lakeview Terrace ranked a neighborly third by banking $7 million. Spike Lee’s Miracle at ...

Rodanthe Heavy on the Syrup
 Rodanthe Heavy on the Syrup 
movie review

Rodanthe Heavy on the Syrup

(Newser) - Tearjerker novel Nights in Rodanthe left some critics sobbing and others scowling. Now Unfaithful co-stars Richard Gere and Diane Lane are reunited for the movie version of the Nicholas Sparks romance, with a similar divide. The actors' "natural rapport" makes for a movie "one either utterly succumbs to...

'Terrorist Chic' Film Shocks Germany

Baader-Meinhof Complex glorifies violence, say critics

(Newser) - A controversial new film opening this week tackles the darkest chapter in Germany's postwar history: the bombings, kidnappings, and assassinations of a high-profile 1970s leftist group. The team behind The Baader-Meinhof Complex, which stars several of Germany's biggest celebrities, calls it an attempt to debunk myths about the gang. But...

Vintage Stars Got Big Bucks to Smoke

Big tobacco paid a fortune for promotion in Hollywood's golden age

(Newser) - Almost all of Hollywood's big names from the '30s, '40s, and '50s were on the payroll of tobacco companies, the BBC reports. Documents released as part of anti-smoking lawsuits reveal that stars like Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, and Joan Crawford got up to $10,000 each from Lucky Strike in...

Stone's W. Aims for the Center
 Stone's W. 
 Aims for 
 the Center 

Stone's W. Aims for the Center

Portrait of the president is for the 60% of folks with an 'open mind'

(Newser) - Oliver Stone is looking to attract the political center with his new movie, W., about the life our 43rd president, USA Today reports. The film, a satirical biopic starring Josh Brolin as George W. Bush, is neither hagiography or damning indictment. “I'm not interested in that radical 15% that...

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