
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Booming Mickey D's Plans European Surge

Global downturn? They're lovin' it

(Newser) - A rare beneficiary of the financial crisis, McDonald’s says it will build 240 new European locations and create 12,000 jobs, the Financial Times reports. The firm’s biggest expansion in 5 years will extend mainly to Spain, France, Italy, Russia, and Poland. “We’re certainly not slowing...

Male-Dominated Industries Bear Brunt of Job Losses

Construction, manufacturing cuts disproportionately hit men

(Newser) - The gap between men's and women’s unemployment is at a 25-year high because job cuts have hit especially hard in male-dominated industries like construction and manufacturing, reports Reuters. Some 80% of the nearly 3 million workers who lost jobs between November 2007 and November 2008 were men. Women hold...

Army Recruiting Soars as Job Dry Up

Recruitment soars with unemployment

(Newser) - The recession has swelled military recruitment, bumping the forces past their goals for the first time since 2004, reports the New York Times. Many Americans are being enticed from a flagging job market by the promised stability and benefits. The Army—whose recruiting has struggled most under the shadow of...

Hey Brother, Can You Spare a Job?
Hey Brother,
Can You
Spare a Job?

Hey Brother, Can You Spare a Job?

Bush's prospects appear grim in crippled economy

(Newser) - President Bush is looking for work in the worst job market in decades. He might call it unemployment, but his critics call it "poetic justice," Daniel Gross writes in Slate. After leaving Washington, Bill Clinton reported income of $90 million—a figure Bush is unlikely to match given...

Actually, You Can Buy Me Love
 Actually, You Can 
 Buy Me Love 
personal essay

Actually, You Can Buy Me Love

New essay anthology explores love and personal finance

(Newser) - Freelance writer Marissa Belger married for love, relishing the warmth of her husband's clan and overlooking his lowly income—until he lost his job. In The Secret Currency of Love, a compilation of essays excerpted in Salon, Belger describes how her relationship to money surprised her. Adapting to poverty was...

Bush Years Were Dark for US Economy
Bush Years Were Dark for US Economy

Bush Years Were Dark for US Economy

'We really went nowhere for almost 10 years,' says economist

(Newser) - The Bush years have not been good ones for the economy, the Washington Post reports, based on an analysis of economic data and discussions with economists of all stripes. Job growth for Bush’s tenure amounts to just 2%, the smallest 8-year gain on record, and GDP grew at its...

Jobs to Ditch Before the Recession Does It for You

Auto industry, real estate among worst fields

(Newser) - Want to keep your job this year? Steer clear of these professions, which a new study says will be hard-hit by the recession, Australia's News Network reports:
  • Car salesperson
  • Real estate agent
  • Investment banker
  • Prawn fisherman

Market Shrugs Off Jobs Report
 Market Shrugs Off Jobs Report 

Market Shrugs Off Jobs Report

Dow makes miniscule move

(Newser) - Stocks barely moved at the open in the wake of a gruesome but unsurprising jobs report. The Dow fluctuated between gains and losses, recently trading down 27 points, with the Nasdaq and S&P registering 0.6% and 0.5% declines. The country lost 2.6 million jobs in 2008,...

Dow Down 245 on Jobs
 Dow Down 245 on Jobs 

Dow Down 245 on Jobs

Investors nervous ahead of Friday's December employment report

(Newser) - Stocks piled on after this morning’s losses, with investors shaken by a grim jobs report and news of layoffs and slashed forecasts at Alcoa and Intel. Crude plunged $5.95, to $43.01 a barrel, after inventories rose more than forecast, MarketWatch reports. The Dow fell 245.40 to...

The Best (and Worst) Jobs in America

Findings confirm it's good to be nerdy

(Newser) - How desirable is your daily grind? A new study aims to answer that question with a list ranking the best and worst jobs according to five factors: “environment, income, employment outlook, physical demands, and stress,” the Wall Street Journal reports. In the end, the CareerCast list suggests, nerds...

First Lady's Job Is Real: Let's Pay Her

Job description, salary would help define difficult role

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is taking flak because she's putting her law career on hold to help her kids adjust to life in Washington. In fact, however, she’s not leaving professional life at all: Her new role as first lady—"the hardest job she will ever hold"— comes with...

Obama Widens Goals, Now Wants 3M Jobs

Recovery plans grow as advisers predict 9% unemployment

(Newser) - Barack Obama is expanding his plans to reverse the nation’s financial crisis and will seek to create 3 million jobs in the next two years, up from the goal of 2.5 million he proposed last month, the New York Times reports. The new figure follows a meeting in...

Bush: Auto Bailout 'Not Ready'
 Bush: Auto Bailout
'Not Ready' 

Bush: Auto Bailout 'Not Ready'

Deal seems to be grinding gears

(Newser) - The federal auto industry bailout appeared to be stuck in neutral as President Bush warned today that a deal is not imminent. "We're not quite ready to announce that yet," Bush told reporters on a plane to Afghanistan. Lawmakers expected the administration to quickly reallocate part of the...

Is Your Castoff Their Cross?
Is Your Castoff Their Cross?

Is Your Castoff Their Cross?

$1B in Western clothes flood poorer nations and may undercut businesses

(Newser) - When you gave away last year's clothes, you probably didn't think that poor nations would pay big bucks for them. Yet castoffs are a $1 billion business, the Spectator reports, and may be threatening African cotton growers by flooding their nascent markets. Oxfam argues that its castoffs create jobs—washers,...

Jobless Claims Hit 26-Year High

338,000 more people claimed benefits last week

(Newser) - Some 58,000 jobless Americans filed their first request for unemployment benefits last week, pushing both the number of first-time filers (573,000) and number of people collecting benefits (4.43 million) to 26-year highs, MarketWatch reports. The post-Thanksgiving week is traditionally high in first-time claims, but rapid layoffs and...

Making the Best of a Layoff
 Making the Best of a Layoff 

Making the Best of a Layoff

Losing a job can open window for 'career makeover'

(Newser) - How to survive a layoff? With more Americans facing that question, Newsweek rounds up some advice from success stories and career counselors. The advice is of the usual sort—take a deep breath to reassess, get some training or more education, and network. But it also notes that community colleges...

Top Grads Flood Nonprofit for 'Lowly' Teaching Jobs

Job-hungry grads swamp nonprofit org

(Newser) - Students from the nation’s elite colleges are in hot pursuit of low-paying, high-stress jobs, the Washington Post reports. Inspired by Barack Obama’s message of hope and disillusioned by a battered Wall Street, prospective graduates have boosted applications to Teach for America alone by 50%. “I don’t...

US Jobs Picture Even Worse Than It Looks
 US Jobs Picture
 Even Worse Than It Looks 

US Jobs Picture Even Worse Than It Looks

6.7% unemployment figure doesn't count those not working or looking for work

(Newser) - As bad as today’s jobs report seemed, it actually soft-pedals the US employment situation, David Leonhardt writes in the New York Times. In November, 251,000 workers lost their jobs, driving the unemployment rate to 6.7%. But “unemployed” describes only individuals actively looking for work, and the...

AT&amp;T Hacks 12,000 Jobs
 AT&T Hacks 12,000 Jobs 

AT&T Hacks 12,000 Jobs

The telecom says its mobile and broadband divisions are continuing to grow

(Newser) - AT&T is cutting 12,000 jobs, or 4% of its workforce, mostly in the landline segment that has lost market share to cell phones, cable operators, and Internet calling options, reports the AP. AT&T, which has cut more than 25,000 jobs so far this year, said it...

Public Works Eyed as Economic Jumpstart

Economists increasingly look to infrastructure spending for job creation

(Newser) - Once dismissed as too slow to address America’s quick slide into crisis, New Deal-esque public works projects are becoming increasingly attractive as long-term economic troubles look likely to set in, the Los Angeles Times reports. Infrastructure spending will likely be a major component of the upcoming Obama-backed, multibillion-dollar stimulus...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>