British Heart Foundation

3 Stories

Charity's 'Hidden Treasure': Slightly Warped Beatles' Demo

Auction of 'Love Me Do' demo from 1962 closes Wednesday

(Newser) - In 1962, 250 demos of the Beatles' debut single were sent to radio stations. Nearly 60 years and 600 million album sales later, one of those turned up at a charity store operated by the British Heart Foundation, which will bring in at least $7,400 from its sale. "...

Heart 'Time Bomb' Ticking for 60M

1 in 100 have mutant gene that increases risk sevenfold

(Newser) - Scientists have discovered a mutant gene carried by 1% of the population which almost guarantees heart disease in later life, reports the BBC. Some 60 million people have the genetic time bomb, including 4% of the total population of India. The gene increases the risk of heart disease sevenfold, according...

Fat Cell Numbers Don't Bulge: Study

Fat cells remain stable throughout life

(Newser) - The number of fat cells is set for a lifetime in childhood, a new study indicates. The latest research into obesity reveals fundamental new insights into why some people become fat and why it is so hard for overweight people to keep excess pounds off—even after a successful diet,...

3 Stories