
12 Stories

How Neighbors Are Social Distancing—Together

Some wave every night, others throw dance parties

(Newser) - Social distancing doesn't mean you can't still socialize. In Indiana, Fort Wayne is suggesting residents go outside every night and wave to their neighbors—from the recommended distance of at least 6 feet apart. "Now is the time to look after one another, even from a safe...

Community Wipes Out Racist Graffiti Before Family Sees It

Dozens turned out to paint Wash. family's home

(Newser) - If the goal of whoever scrawled racist graffiti on the home and truck of Marvin Phillips on Friday night was to make the Tenino, Wash., family feel unwelcome, it backfired spectacularly: Dozens of community members got together to scrub away the graffiti—which included "KKK" and the n-word—and...

Young Are Much Lonelier Than the Old
 Young Are 
 Much Lonelier 
 Than the Old 

Young Are Much Lonelier Than the Old

Study: 'epidemic of loneliness' among 18-34

(Newser) - Loneliness plagues the young more than the old, a new study suggests. In a survey of 2,256 Brits, about 60% of people 18 to 34 said they often or sometimes felt lonely, compared to only 35% of those over 55, reports the BBC . The findings, a psychiatrist tells the...

Nature Makes You Nicer
 Nature Makes You Nicer 

Nature Makes You Nicer

People more focused on others when primed with natural imagery, research shows

(Newser) - Being around the natural world or representations of it makes you a better person, Miller-McCune reports. A study finds that people shown slides of natural landscapes rated community-oriented goals—such as “to work for the betterment of society”—as more important to them than self-oriented goals—for example,...

Facebook Bad for Teens, Warns Archbishop

Social networking degrades friendship, can lead to suicide

(Newser) - Facebook and MySpace are degrading our ability to relate to one another and pushing young people to suicide, the head of the Catholic Church in England tells the Telegraph. Archbishop Vincent Nichols is concerned that social-networking websites encourage teens to form only “transient relationships,” which can leave them...

Tight Economy Strains Town-Gown Relations

(Newser) - The poor economy has put a crimp in some universities' expansion plans and soured the relationship between others and the surrounding communities, the New York Times reports. For instance, Harvard’s planned $1 billion expansion into a Boston neighborhood is in limbo, leaving a 5-acre construction pit and vacant buildings....

What the GOP Needs Is a John Wayne
 What the 
 GOP Needs Is 
 a John Wayne 


What the GOP Needs Is a John Wayne

Community, not freedom, is the true Western virtue: Brooks

(Newser) - Republicans have admired Westerns for decades, continually flocking to leaders—Goldwater, Reagan, Bush, Palin—who embody the John Wayne ideal of individualism and bravery. But as David Brooks writes, Westerns aren't really about lone heroes, but "civic order": how newcomers build communities in inhospitable regions. For the New ...

After 100 Days, Does Obama Beat Bush?
After 100 Days, Does Obama Beat Bush?

After 100 Days, Does Obama Beat Bush?

A look at approval ratings, community-by-community

(Newser) - After 100 days, President Obama is more divisive, more popular with moderates, and bigger with his base than George W. Bush was at this point—depending on where you look, the Christian Science Monitor finds in a look at 11 community types. Overall, Obama’s 63% Pew approval rating beats...

In Tough Times, People Dust Off the Library Card

Even amid budget cuts, the institutions are expanding offerings

(Newser) - As the economy lightened wallets last year, people in search of jobs and entertainment turned to a long-lost concept called a library, reports the Washington Post, spiking DC-area circulation by 23% in the last half of 2008. And although budget cuts are hitting libraries hard, they're still finding ways to...

Storms Test New FEMA System
 Storms Test New FEMA System 

Storms Test New FEMA System

'Dynamic' approach distributes response burden

(Newser) - With three big storms hitting the US within about a week, FEMA is attempting to stay a step ahead, planning emergency response strategies and deploying supplies. The agency's new "dynamic regrouping" plan represents a real-time collaboration between military, civilian, and volunteer personnel, the Christian Science Monitor reports. "The...

Green Cafe's Crowdsourcing Doesn't Spoil the Stew

DC eatery relies on the masses to define it

(Newser) - When Elements, a vegetarian and raw food restaurant, opens in DC next year, it will have one owner, but almost 400 people who conceived and developed the idea, the Washington Post reports. An online (and offline) community is helping with everything from designing a logo to greening the building. But...

These Days, Local Banks Look Good
These Days, Local Banks Look Good

These Days, Local Banks Look Good

Your community banker cares, and may even have good deals

(Newser) - Community banks may seem like quaint relics to those who prefer banking online, but IndyMac's meltdown should have us thinking differently, Ron Lieber writes in the New York Times. Lieber visited a bank in small-town Maryland, and found a friendly, gray-haired manager who gives banking a personal touch. “If...

12 Stories