heterosexual couples

6 Stories

Researchers Offer Remedy for Women's 'Orgasm Gap'
Researchers Offer Remedy
for Women's 'Orgasm Gap'
new study

Researchers Offer Remedy for Women's 'Orgasm Gap'

They think a 'golden trio' of techniques will help

(Newser) - Out of the many different types of people having sex out there, it seems that when it comes to reaching orgasm, straight women are at the bottom of the totem pole. Reporting in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior , researchers at the Kinsey Institute, Chapman University, and Indiana University found...

Gay Couples Are Doing This Better

They're better at sharing chores

(Newser) - In traditional, opposite-sex relationships, most women still do the vast majority of chores—regardless of how many hours they work or how much money they make. But for same-sex couples, where there isn't the traditional gender-based division of labor to fall back on, the chores are more often shared...

If She Cheats, He'd Prefer It Be a Woman
 If She Cheats, 
 He'd Prefer It 
 Be a Woman 
study says

If She Cheats, He'd Prefer It Be a Woman

For cheating men, it's the opposite, study says

(Newser) - Men are more likely to stay with girlfriends who have cheated on them with other women than those who’ve cheated with another man, a University of Texas study suggests. Women, however, are the opposite: they’re more likely to stay with a man who’s cheated with a woman...

In France: Screw Marriage, Give Me a Civil Union

Partnerships simplify breakups, avoid religious ties

(Newser) - In France, civil unions are soaring in popularity—for heterosexuals. PACS, as they are known in France, were established in 1999 and lauded by gay-rights advocates; little did they expect the huge success of the measure ... among straight people, who made up 95% of the civil unions created last year....

Over a Lifetime, Being a Gay Couple Can Cost $470K Extra

Detailed analysis takes health insurance, taxes, other benefits into account

(Newser) - An exhaustive analysis of the lifetime costs a committed gay couple faces compared to those of a heterosexual marriage finds that, in the worst case, the gay couple pays out nearly $470,000 extra. The study by the New York Times assumed the couples were together until one partner died,...

Live-In Lovers Hit Record Number

6.4M unmarried hetero couples live together

(Newser) - The number of unmarried heterosexual couples living together reached a record 6.4 million in 2007, or 10% of all hetero couples who share a home, according to the Census Bureau. It's a snapshot of the changing American family. Some 2.5 million of the couples—45.5%—are raising...

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