
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Some Things Are Too Over the Top Even for Playboy

Portugal edition depicts Jesus with naked women

(Newser) - Playboy has terminated the publisher of its Portugal edition over a photo shoot depicting a Christ-like figure cavorting with naked women. The layout, intended to be an homage to Nobel prize-winning author Jose Saramago's book The Gospel According To Jesus Christ, went too far even for the folks at Playboy,...

Iceland Legalizes Gay Marriage
 Iceland Legalizes Gay Marriage 

Iceland Legalizes Gay Marriage

Parliament unanimously approves redefinition of marriage

(Newser) - With little fanfare, Iceland's parliament unanimously passed a resolution legalizing gay marriage today, Reuters reports . The Althingi voted 49-0 to add mention of unions between "man and man" and "woman and woman" to the legal definition of marriage. Iceland's tolerance for homosexuality is well known—PM Johanna Sigurdardottir...

Pope: Gay Marriage 'Insidious, Dangerous'

Benedict puts abuse scandals on back burner

(Newser) - Pope Benedict seized an opportunity following a massive Mass in Portugal yesterday to slam abortion and gay marriage as among the "most insidious and dangerous challenges that today confront the common good." Some 500,000 people turned out to participate in the Mass at one of Catholicism's holiest...

Pope: Church Must Face Abuse's 'Terrifying' Truth

Catholicism dogged by 'sin within'

(Newser) - The Catholic Church must finally face the "terrifying" truth of clerical sex abuse, says Pope Benedict in what Reuters notes are perhaps his most frank comments since the scandal broke two months ago. Catholicism's greatest threat, he told reporters aboard a flight to Lisbon, is no longer enemies from...

Ash Cloud Cancels Hundreds of Flights

Renewed activity at Icelandic volcano leads to more travel chaos

(Newser) - Hundreds of flights were canceled and delayed today as the reinvigorated ash cloud issuing from an Icelandic volcano spread across parts of Europe and the UK. Three clouds are moving in various directions, closing airports in Scotland, Portugal, Germany, and other countries. The total number of canceled flights since the...

New Maddy Video Released
 New Maddy Video Released 

New Maddy Video Released

'Still missing, still missed, still looking!'

(Newser) - In a desperate bid to keep the hunt for their missing daughter alive, Madeline McCann's parents have released new photos and a video of the toddler who vanished on a family vacation three years ago. "Madeleine. Still missing, still missed, still looking!" says a message on the McCann's...

Deadly Storms Swamp France
 Deadly Storms Swamp France 

Deadly Storms Swamp France

Dozens perish after violent winter storm devastates western Europe

(Newser) - Dozens died this weekend as devastating storms swept across western Europe, destroying seawalls, uprooting trees, and causing widespread flooding. France bore the brunt, with as many as 50 people killed, including 25 in the town of l'Aiguillon sur Mer, 300 miles southwest of Paris on the Atlantic coast. Deaths were...

Landslides Claim 40 on Atlantic Resort Isle

Madeira awash in mud after heaviest rains since '93

(Newser) - The death toll from mudslides and flash flooding on the Portuguese island of Madeira rose to 38 people today as the government rushed emergency aid to the resort haven. More than 100 others were injured and an unknown number were missing, authorities said. A government rep told state news agency...

Dow Falls 104, Closes Under 10,000
 Dow Falls 104, 
 Closes Under 10,000 

Dow Falls 104, Closes Under 10,000

Dow drops below 10,000 for first time since Nov. 4

(Newser) - Stocks plummeted today as investors continued to worry about several European countries' ability to maintain their national debt and pondered a Wall Street Journal report that said the Fed may consider tightening credit this year.
  • The Dow fell 103.84 points to close at 9,908.39.
  • The Nasdaq lost

For Gay Marriage to Pass, Economy Must Bounce Back

Prosperity will translate into more open-mindedness

(Newser) - New Jersey's senate voted down gay marriage less than a day before conservative Portugal's parliament gave it the thumbs-up, and that got Alex Balk thinking: What will it take for same-sex marriage to fly in the US? The answer, counterintuitive though it may seem: economic recovery. "Legislators are not...

Video Appeal Renews Maddy Search

Message accompanies interviews by Kate McCann

(Newser) - A video designed to go viral is an appeal to the friends and associates of Madeleine McCann's kidnapper, saying, "It is never too late to do the right thing." The video, released tonight, includes images of what Maddy—who was 3 when she went missing in 2007—might...

Maddy in 'Secret Lair' Like Jaycee: Detective

'She will emerge,' investigator believes

(Newser) - A detective hunting for snatched British toddler Madeleine McCann believes she could be in a secret lair like the place kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard was held for 18 years in California, reports the Independent. “Maddy is most likely being held captive, possibly in an underground cellar, and could emerge...

Maddy Suspect Asked About Her 'New Daughter'

Calls flood in after request for tips about Australian woman

(Newser) - Private investigators working for Madeleine McCann's parents have received “hundreds of calls” from people with information about a woman who may be involved in the child’s disappearance, the Telegraph reports. A witness said the woman, described as a Victoria Beckham lookalike with an Australian accent, was pacing and...

UN Backs Off Hard Line on Drug Crimes

Today's report marks significant change in attitude

(Newser) - The United Nations did a 180 today on its drug decriminalization stance, praising the policy Portugal instituted in 2001 and asserting it has “not led to an increase in drug tourism” as had been feared, the Huffington Post reports. The annual drug policy report opposed full legalization while conceding...

Maddy's Parents to Sue Ex Police Boss

(Newser) - The parents of missing toddler Madeleine McCann are preparing to sue the former Portuguese police chief who has continued to accuse them of playing a role in their daughter's disappearance, reports the Telegraph. "We're taking legal action over his entirely unfounded and grossly defamatory claims that Madeleine is not...

Private Maddy Probe Yields Sketch of Suspect

Man watched family for days: witnesses

(Newser) - Madeleine McCann's parents say they hope a new artist's sketch of a pockmarked, frail man seen lurking around their Portugal apartment before the child disappeared will yield fresh clues. Detectives the couple hired interviewed witnesses and combed police files to produce the image, People reports. Gerry and Kate McCann will...

Parents Hunt On for Maddy
 Parents Hunt On for Maddy 

Parents Hunt On for Maddy

Two years after she vanished, family searches for girl they hope is still alive

(Newser) - Two years after toddler Maddy McCann vanished during a family vacation in Portugal, her devastated parents continue searching for their daughter, reports the Telegraph. The family has distributed photos of Maddy as she might appear today as a 6-year-old. "We need to get out there she's alive, she's findable,...

Pirates Hijack Brit Ship; NATO Forces Recover Explosives

(Newser) - Somali pirates have hijacked a British-owned cargo ship crewed by Ukrainians, a NATO spokesman tells the AP. The Maltese-flagged Ariana was hijacked northwest of the Seychelles islands about 1,000 miles from NATO's operating area. Also today, a Portuguese warship seized explosives from suspected Somali pirates after thwarting an attack...

Legalized Pot, Cocaine Work OK in Portugal

(Newser) - Portugal decriminalized drug possession 8 years ago, so it must have high abuse rates, right? Not according to a new study from the Cato Institute, Time reports. Teen drug use and HIV infection from needles have declined, and more addicts now enter treatment programs. "Judging by every metric, decriminalization...

Skinny French Women Feel Fat: Study

Europeans weigh themselves on a sliding scale

(Newser) - Most French women feel fat, despite being among the thinnest women in Europe, a study finds. By contrast, much larger women in Britain, Spain, and Portugal consider themselves skinny, AFP reports. Researchers say women in France have a lower ideal weight compared to other European countries. In fact, more than...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>