campaign slogan

10 Stories

Home Depot Worker's Anti-Trump Hat Spurs Racist Tirade

Krystal Lake's 'America Was Never Great' cap didn't go over well in Staten Island

(Newser) - A Staten Island college student says she's had racist statements and even death threats hurled at her online since she wore an anti-Trump hat to her job at Home Depot over the weekend, the Staten Island Advance reports. Krystal Lake, 22, donned the cap, which read "America Was...

Life Imitates Veep in Australia

Even Julia Louis-Dreyfus is 'dumbstruck' at Malcolm Turnbull's word choice

(Newser) - Malcolm Turnbull is either unable to come up with meaningful campaign slogans or is a closet Julia Louis-Dreyfus fan. The Australian prime minister has gone on a bender lately with the words "continuity and change," hoping to convince Aussies that he'll keep some policies of the country'...

Obama's Slogan Raises Grammar Questions
Obama. Slogan. Infuriating. Grammar. Dorks.
in case you missed it

Obama. Slogan. Infuriating. Grammar. Dorks.

Is that period effective—or even correct?

(Newser) - President Obama's re-election campaign slogan isn't just "Forward"—it's "Forward." And that little period is causing quite a bit of controversy, the Wall Street Journal reports. First of all, there's the question of whether the period takes away from the slogan's...

RNC Slogan Tweaks Obama: 'Hype and Blame'

He's not the candidate of 'Hope and Change' argue Republicans

(Newser) - Hope and Change? Try "Hype and Blame." That's the message from the RNC, which unveiled its not-quite-rhyming variation on President Obama's 2008 slogan today. Going forward, both the RNC and the Romney campaign will start using the slogan (and selling $10 bumper stickers emblazoned with it),...

Mitt Romney Mocks Obama's New Slogan

Forward ... over a cliff, ha, ha!

(Newser) - President Obama got his Mitt Romney zinger in on Saturday night, and the GOP candidate returned the favor last night, reports ABC News . At a $2,500-and-up-a-head fundraiser at a Ritz-Carlton just outside DC, Romney tweaked Obama's new slogan, "Forward," saying "it's like, forward, what,...

Obama 2012 Rolls Out New Slogan


(Newser) - Fresh off bashing Mitt Romney's 2007 opposition to hunting Osama bin Laden , Obama 2012 today rolled out a seven-minute video highlighting President Obama's economic record, and in so doing, unveiled the campaign's new slogan you can believe in: "Forward." The video unabashedly embraces Obama's...

Forget Hope: Obama Shops Slogan Change for 2012

Incumbency, economy changes 'Change' message

(Newser) - After four years in office and facing continued unemployment and a weak economy— albeit with some signs of life —"Change we can believe in" just isn't going to cut it anymore. So the Obama campaign team is on the hunt of a new slogan, reports Reuters . Some...

Newt Gingrich's New Old Slogan: 'WTF'
 Newt's New Old Slogan: 'WTF' 

Newt's New Old Slogan: 'WTF'

Gingrich takes back 'Win the Future' from Obama

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s website proudly displays a 2012 catchphrase: “Win the Future.” That's right, the same phrase President Obama has been using since his 2011 State of the Union address. Did Gingrich steal it? Nope, discovers the Atlantic : The ex-speaker registered the political organization "American Solutions...

Conservative Owns Obama Catchphrase Website
Conservative Owns Obama Catchphrase Website

Conservative Owns Obama Catchphrase Website could go to RNC

(Newser) - President Obama has been talking a lot about the need to “win the future” lately. In fact, it sounds like a pretty good re-election campaign slogan, notes Roll Call . There's just one teensy-tiny issue: A conservative activist already owns—and .org, .net, and every other WinTheFuture website....

Yes, He Did: Ahmadinejad Appropriates Obama Slogan

(Newser) - Seeing Barack Obama’s success in the 2008 election, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has borrowed the US president’s most famous phrase for his own reelection campaign, the Guardian reports. In a campaign video, the Iranian president stands in front of a blackboard with the Farsi words “Ma Mitavanim,” or...

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