Lenore Skenazy

2 Stories

Let's Stop Overprotecting Our Kids

 Let's Stop 
 Our Kids 

Let's Stop Overprotecting Our Kids

America overreacts to silly threats: Lenore Skenazy

(Newser) - Remember earlier this year when Applebee's accidentally served alcohol to a toddler ? Lenore Skenazy does, along with what she sees as the ridiculous overreaction of both the national media and the restaurant chain. It was "as if serving toddlers stiff drinks had been company-wide policy," she...

Calm Down, Your Kids Are Perfectly Safe
Calm Down,
Your Kids Are Perfectly Safe

Calm Down, Your Kids Are Perfectly Safe

Writer/mom says parents worry, hover way too much

(Newser) - With a constant barrage of news stories and TV shows highlighting child abductions and murders, it may seem like a supremely dangerous time to be a kid. But don't believe the media, says Lenore Skenazy, the author of Free-Range Kids. In an interview with Salon, she explains why children today...

2 Stories