local food

10 Stories

Local Food Could Save the Economy
 Local Food Could 
 Save the Economy 

Local Food Could Save the Economy

Tom Philpott offers a plan to create jobs

(Newser) - Americans spend nearly $1.2 trillion per year on food—that's almost one-tenth of the total US GDP—but very little of that helps our local communities, since most of our food money goes to large chains. If we could turn that around and shop for more local food,...

Modern Domesticity: Liberating, or a Step Back?

Progressive women bake and sew to resist industrial influence

(Newser) - Peek into your neighbor's house these days and you'll find a progressive woman canning jams, baking breads, knitting, or sewing. But "my baby boomer mother does not can jam. Or bake bread. Or knit. Or sew," writes Emily Matchar in the Washington Post . "Not did...

Mark Bittman: 6 Morsels of Good News on Food
 6 Morsels of  
 Good Foodie News 
mark bittman

6 Morsels of Good Foodie News

School lunches are improving; Walmart's into sustainability: Mark Bittman

(Newser) - Sometimes it’s important for a critic to drop the criticism and offer some praise. In the New York Times , Mark Bittman presents a taste of good news in the food world:
  1. Backers of better food policy are gaining real traction: The reauthorized Child Nutrition Act will improve school lunches,

Hottest Trend in Dining: Gardens

According to chefs, who say they're cheap, and popular

(Newser) - Chefs have responded to the local food movement by going as local as it gets: their own gardens. In a survey of 2,000 chefs by the National Restaurant Association, a third identified gardening as the top restaurant trend of 2010, the AP reports. Growing produce, they’ve discovered, is...

Pig Cook-Off Ends in Brawl, Head-Butting by Chef
Pig Cook-Off Ends in Brawl, Head-Butting by Chef

only in portland!

Pig Cook-Off Ends in Brawl, Head-Butting by Chef

Locavore takes issue with winning pork's provenance

(Newser) - It seems some chefs take the local food movement very seriously. After a dish made from an Iowa pig was given top honors in the prestigious Cochon 555 cook-off Sunday in Portland, hometown chef Eric Bechard confronted event organizer Brady Lowe about the provenance of the winning hog....at 2am,...

7 Lessons From Going Vegan
 7 Lessons From Going Vegan 

7 Lessons From Going Vegan

Try it before worrying that you'll die of a cheese craving

(Newser) - Instead of a trendy juice cleanse to start the New Year, Heather Wood Rudúlph went with a different detox diet: going vegan for a month. She shares seven lessons she learned from the experience in Sirens Magazine :
  • She can cook: And so can you. Forced to stop making your

Hipster Defends Using Food Stamps

 Hipster Defends 
 Using Food Stamps 

Hipster Defends Using Food Stamps

Why the backlash over access to healthy food?

(Newser) - There's been quite the backlash against hipsters buying fancy organic fare with their food stamps, but one such hipster argues that “cheap food is the real extravagance.” Gerry Mak—a subject of the recent Salon article —points out that "a whole rabbit at Lexington Market is...

Quietly, Moonshine Makes a Comeback

Homemade spirits find a loyal following; pity about the jail sentences

(Newser) - Whether it's a result of the recession or an outgrowth of the local food movement, more and more Americans are getting in on the craze for do-it-yourself food and drink. But there's a small problem with homemade spirits—unlike smoking salmon or pickling cukes, distilling your own whiskey or grappa...

Best Cities for Good Eats

Local cuisine is ranked

(Newser) - Paris is for lovers—food lovers. The city came in first on a Forbes list of the world’s best cities for eating well, based on a 2009 survey ranking 50 cities. Notably absent from the top 10 are New York and London, which don’t boast much of a...

Local Food's New Apostles: Bartenders, Er, 'Bar Chefs'

(Newser) - The affinity for fresh, local produce in US restaurants has spilled out into the bar, USA Today reports. Many mixologists—or the new term of art, “bar chefs”—are starting their days scouting farmers markets instead of ordering syrups. “The flavor in the produce is not only...

10 Stories