middle seat

4 Stories

Mind Taking the Middle Seat? Will a Big Prize Convince You?
Airline Gets Creative in Getting
Travelers to Take Middle Seat

Airline Gets Creative in Getting Travelers to Take Middle Seat

Virgin Australia launches $147K lottery, with prizes each week for those who sit in least desirable spots

(Newser) - Is there ever anyone who actually wants the middle seat during a flight? If there is, we haven't met them, but that may soon change thanks to some coaxing on the matter by Virgin Australia. Per a recent social media poll offered by the airline, a paltry 0.6%...

Keeping That Middle Seat Empty? Delta to Kill Policy

It's the last US airline to do so

(Newser) - Delta Air Lines, the last US airline still blocking middle seats, will end that policy in May as air travel recovers and more people become vaccinated against COVID-19. The decision announced Wednesday reversed a policy that had been in place since last April, and which Delta's CEO had repeatedly...

'Perfect' Plane Seat Located

 'Perfect' Plane Seat Located 
survey says

'Perfect' Plane Seat Located

Row six, by the window: survey

(Newser) - The perfect plane seat: 6A. A new survey from Skyscanner came to that conclusion after determining that most passengers, given a choice, want to sit in a window seat toward the front of the aircraft. Previous studies have also found the first six rows of a plane to be the...

Middle Seat on the Plane? I'd Rather ...

(Newser) - Nobody likes the middle seat on an airplane, and a recent study shows fliers would rather endure some novel discomforts than sit squeezed between two seatmates. BlackBook runs down a few—as well as what's particularly unpleasant about the middle seat.
  • 56% of respondents would rather have their teeth drilled

4 Stories