bankruptcy reorganization

2 Stories

Sam Zell Steps Down as Tribune CEO
Sam Zell
Steps Down as
Tribune CEO

Sam Zell Steps Down as Tribune CEO

Randy Michaels steps up as court ruling beats back creditors

(Newser) - Maverick takeover artist Sam Zell resigned as CEO of the Tribune Co. today, naming Randy Michaels as his successor. Zell is still chairman of the news giant he bought, disastrously, in 2007. Tribune, which has been bankrupt for almost a year, yesterday won an extension until February of the right...

Court Clears Path to 'New' GM

Court ordered stay on asset sale expires

(Newser) - General Motors is set to complete its bankruptcy reorganization, the Detroit Free Press reports. The sale of certain GM divisions to the “new” GM—largely owned by the US Treasury—is expected to happen tomorrow, at the expiration of a holding period for opponents of the deal to make...

2 Stories