sex trafficking

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Goldman Sachs Owns Stake in Sex Trafficking Website was already the target of legal action

(Newser) - The No. 1 American website for sex trafficking of underage girls is And is owned by Village Voice Media, which is 16% owned by ... Goldman Sachs. The Wall Street firm "was mortified when I began inquiring last week about its stake in America’s leading...

Village Voice Runs Child Sex Ads: Protesters

Son of founder Norman Mailer joins march against

(Newser) - Protesters marched to the offices of the Village Voice in New York yesterday, slamming the weekly paper for allegedly running ads for child prostitutes in its adult classified section, Among the hundred demonstrators was the son of Norman Mailer, the paper's founder. "This was once a...

Google Gives $11.5M to Fight Slavery

Move is a 'game-changing investment,' anti-trafficking group says

(Newser) - Google has made what is believed to be the biggest-ever corporate contribution to the fight against modern-day slavery. As part of $40 million in donations the search-engine king is making over the holiday season, Google coughed up $11.5 million to organizations working to end human trafficking, CNN reports. Up...

US Man Accused of Running Sex Tour on Amazon River

Four Brazilians claim Richard Schair paid them for sex acts, drugs

(Newser) - Four Brazilian women sued an American fishing tour operator yesterday, claiming that he coerced them with alcohol, drugs, and the promise of money to perform sex acts with tourists on his boat along the Amazon. The federal complaint targets Richard Schair, who until 2009 operated the Wet-A-Line Tours. It contends...

Teen Prostitution: America&#39;s Human Rights Scandal

 Teen Prostitution: 
 America's Human 
 Rights Scandal 

Teen Prostitution: America's Human Rights Scandal

Child prostitutes are victims, not criminals, writes Nicholas Kristof

(Newser) - The sexual trafficking of girls "is more similar in America and Cambodia than we would like to admit," writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . Teen prostitution is "one of our country's biggest human rights problems." These teenagers are victims, not criminals, and the...

Three Somali Gangs Busted for US Child Sex Ring

And separately, FBI arrests 99 pimps, frees 69 child prostitutes

(Newser) - Two major victories against child prostitution today: Twenty-nine people have been indicted in a sex trafficking ring in which Somali gangs in Minneapolis allegedly forced girls under age 14 into prostitution in at least three states, according to an indictment unsealed today. The indictment said one of the gangs' goals...

How This Billionaire Escaped Sex Trafficking Charges

Jeffrey Epstein could have done 20 years

(Newser) - Billionaire financial adviser Jeffrey Epstein allegedly flew in teenage girls from all over the world to give him “massages” , was once presented with three 12-year-olds from France as a birthday gift, and brought over a 14-year-old from the Balkans who he called his “Yugoslavian sex slave.” So...

Cops Probe Van der Sloot Links to Thai Sex Trade: Enquirer

Murder suspect allegedly brought girls to Holland for prostitution

(Newser) - Thai authorities are investigating allegations that Joran Van der Sloot tried to get involved in human trafficking, reports the National Enquirer . Van Der Sloot, 22, allegedly posed as a model scout while living in Bangkok, where a Dutch journalist set up a sting and busted him. "He promised they'd...

NY Madam Forced Korean Women Into Sex Slavery

Told them they'd work in a nail salon

(Newser) - A Queens woman allegedly lived the high life in a million-dollar mansion while farming out unsuspecting Korean immigrants as sex slaves to Long Island massage parlors. Jin Hua Cui, 44, lured the women by placing ads in Korean-language newspapers saying she was hiring for a nail salon. Instead they wound...

1,000 Kids a Year Forced Into Sex Slavery—in Ohio

Sweatshop labor also rampant in human trafficking hub

(Newser) - Each year in Ohio some 1,000 US-born children are forced into the sex trade and about 800 immigrants are sexually exploited or pushed into sweatshop labor. Weak trafficking laws, poorly informed law enforcement, and the state's proximity to the Canadian border combine to make Ohio a hub of human...

Craigslist Pimp Get 25 Years
 Craigslist Pimp Get 25 Years 

Craigslist Pimp Get 25 Years

'Bought' homeless woman, advertised her as sex slave

(Newser) - A New York City man who "bought" a 19-year-old homeless woman and advertised her as a sex slave on Craigslist has been sentenced to 25 years to life. David Brown forced the victim into sex with 30 men in August 2008, collecting payments of between $60 and $200, the...

Why Men Are Hooked on Hookers

Paid sex 'unfulfilling, empty, terrible,' and irresistible, they say

(Newser) - If the results of an international research project are to be believed, men who pay for sex are awfully confused people. "I don't get anything out of sex with prostitutes except for a bad feeling" was typical of the responses researchers heard from johns, many of whom were eager...

NYC Cops Find Dead Baby of Hooker Slave

Tiny body encased in cement in a cooler

(Newser) - Brooklyn police have discovered the body of a baby belonging to a woman forced into prostitution by a sex trafficking couple. The tiny body of the 2-month-old baby boy was encased in cement in a cooler in a flophouse. The baby's mom, an illegal Mexican immigrant, was beaten and forced...

Shaniya Raped, Killed on Day of Abduction: Cops

NC 5-year-old was asphyxiated, arrest warrant says

(Newser) - A 5-year-old North Carolina girl was raped and killed the same day she was taken from her home, according to an arrest warrant released today. Shaniya Davis was sexually assaulted and asphyxiated Nov. 10, the day her mother reported her missing from the trailer park where she was staying, according...

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