Scott LIvely

2 Stories

Ugandans Sue Evangelist Over Anti-Gay Message

Scott Lively tried to whip up hatred against gays, says lawsuit

(Newser) - Scott Lively was one of the American evangelicals cited by Ugandan authorities who introduced a bill in 2009 calling for the death penalty for homosexuals . Now a Ugandan gay rights group is suing Lively and four Ugandan co-defendants in a federal court in Massachusetts, saying he violated international law by...

Gay Death Penalty Bill Linked to 3 US Evangelicals

Uganda bill introduced after series of anti-gay talks

(Newser) - Uganda introduced its bill calling for the death penalty for those who engage in homosexual behavior one month after a three-day series of anti-gay lectures presented by three American evangelical Christians to thousands of Ugandans. The theme of the event was the "hidden and dark agenda” of gays and...

2 Stories