Obama musical

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Obama Musical: Silly Propaganda and Bad Songs
 Obama Musical: 
 Silly Propaganda 
 and Bad Songs  

Obama Musical: Silly Propaganda and Bad Songs

'Hope' debuts in Germany, and it's as awful as you might imagine

(Newser) - Hope—The Obama Musical Story is not political, insists its composer—“Right, but only in the sense that Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will was just a documentary.” The musical premiered in Germany (where the president is still a “messiah”), and it’s pure “political...

Obama Campaign Becomes ... a German Musical
Obama Campaign Becomes ... a German Musical
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Obama Campaign Becomes ... a German Musical

And yes, there's a Sarah Palin character

(Newser) - Barack Obama's 2008 campaign is the subject of Hope!, a musical set to premiere Jan. 17 in Frankfurt. The production features musical-theater versions of the major players: Michelle, Hillary—looking quite young—John McCain and even Sarah Palin, who sings a solo surrounded by scantily clad dancers. Writer and composer...

2 Stories