Al Gore

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Today's GOP Would Have Impeached Gore After 9/11

Detroit response shows partisanship trumps patriotism

(Newser) - The aftermath of the Detroit terror attempt has exposed some ugly truths about American politics, writes Chris Bowers. He lists several in Open Left.
  • The GOP would have impeached Al Gore over 9/11. The "aggressive, partisan response" this failed terror attempt met shows they certainly wouldn't have been saying

Al Gore: Climategate Changes Nothing
 Al Gore: Climategate 
 Changes Nothing 


Al Gore: Climategate Changes Nothing

Uproar over 10-year-old emails just 'sound and fury'

(Newser) - Al Gore thinks the so-called climategate emails are nothing but “sound and fury,” dredged up by the "noise machine built by the climate deniers," and “do not in any way cause any question about the scientific consensus.” In an interview with Slate , Gore notes...

Conservatives Want Al Gore's Oscar Back
Conservatives Want
Al Gore's Oscar Back

Conservatives Want Al Gore's Oscar Back

Two academy members say Climategate undermines his movie

(Newser) - “Hollywood conservative” might sound like an oxymoron, but there are some, and they’re calling on the Academy to take back Al Gore’s Oscar for An Inconvenient Truth in light of the “Climategate” e-mails. Roger Simon and Lionel Chetwynd, both Academy members and unabashed right-wingers, say the...

Gore Bails on Copenhagen Talk
 Gore Bails on Copenhagen Talk 

Gore Bails on Copenhagen Talk

Promotional appearance slated for summit's busiest day

(Newser) - Al Gore has bailed out of a talk he was to give Dec. 16 in Copenhagen, an appearance timed to coincide both with the UN climate summit and with the release of his new book. The Danish group that sold 3,000 tickets, at $1200 a pop, expressed “great...

Current TV: Palin a 'TWILF'
 Current TV: 
 Palin a 'TWILF' 

Current TV: Palin a 'TWILF'

Jury still out, sort of, on what that means

(Newser) - Let the Web 2.0 acronym wars commence! Al Gore’s Current TV took a swipe at multiple conservative leaders and the media in a cartoon video dubbed “Stupid Virus,” but its treatment of Sarah Palin has been singled out. In the video, Palin’s twitter handle is...

Break Stuff to Save the Planet: Gore

Former VP endorses civil disobedience against climate change

(Newser) - Al Gore says nonviolent disruption of polluters and airports is justified considering the grave threat posed by climate change. "Civil disobedience has an honorable history, and when the urgency and moral clarity cross a certain threshold, then I think that civil disobedience is quite understandable, and it has a...

Critics Lash Gore's Green 'Profiteering'

Investment profits go back into his nonprofit, counters ex-VP

(Newser) - Al Gore is going to become the world's first "carbon billionaire" thanks to investments in firms that will profit from policies he advocates, his critics say. The ex-VP is a partner in a venture capital firm that stands to make huge profits from investments in green technology, causing accusations...

100 Defining Moments of the '00s

 100 Defining 
 of the '00s 

pop culture

100 Defining Moments of the '00s

The iPod, Guitar Hero, Twitter—and some serious moments, too

(Newser) - From the tragic (World Trade Center attacks, Hurricane Katrina) to the seemingly trivial (Stephen Fry's first Tweet), the Telegraph lists the top 100 defining cultural moments of the decade so far:
  • April 2000: Metallica sues music-sharing service Napster.
  • October 2001: The iPod is released.
  • February 2003: Sacha Baron Cohen hits

Is Biden Really Less Popular Than Cheney?
Is Biden Really Less Popular Than Cheney?
Marc Ambinder

Is Biden Really Less Popular Than Cheney?

Nope! Recent Gallup numbers don't give whole picture

(Newser) - The latest Gallup numbers look bad for Joe Biden. His approval rating has sunk to 42%, which seems to put him way below the 55% Al Gore averaged in his first year, and way, way below the 65% Cheney averaged in his. Say it ain’t so! “OK, it...

Obama Scared to Show His Face in ... San Francisco?

Crazy left has made it ugly for Dems before

(Newser) - Given the adoring crowds he’s attracted in, say, Berlin, one would think President Obama would have a number of public appearances scheduled during a quick jaunt to San Francisco beginning tomorrow. But evidently, his staff is so worried about rabid lefties that Obama’s just dropping in for an...

Obama's Nobel Is the 'Not George W. Bush' Award

He's now the fourth recipient

(Newser) - The Nobel Peace Prize President Obama won today is nothing more or less than the “fourth Nobel Prize for Not Being George W. Bush,” writes Michael Grunwald. The other beneficiaries of the NPNBGWB were Jimmy Carter in 2002, for criticizing the Iraq war buildup; Mohamed ElBaradei of the...

Google Earth, Al Gore Detail Climate Change

Al Gore narrates intro to new feature detailing perils, and solutions

(Newser) - Google—with the help of Al Gore—has introduced new “layers” to its Earth application that detail the possible effects of climate change in the next century. The Nobel laureate narrates an intro to a series of virtual tours that highlight terrifying scenarios and solutions. The upgrade allows users...

Historian Sheds Gossipy Light on Clinton Years

In new book, ex-prez discusses Lewinsky, Yeltsin's drunken caper

(Newser) - Between 1993 and 2001, historian Taylor Branch met regularly with then-President Clinton for a series of taped interviews. The transcripts form the basis of a new book, The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President, to be released next week. USA Today got a look and singles out some highlights:...

Against Odds, Katie Couric Perseveres at CBS

After trying to change 'too much too soon,' Couric finally seems comfortable

(Newser) - Last year, it seemed Katie Couric’s days in the CBS anchor chair were numbered. Now, she not only plans to stay there until her contract expires in 2011, she's starting a weekly Charlie Rose-esque webcast—and her destinations post-Evening News could include 60 Minutes or CNN. “Her really...

Forget GOP, Full Speed Ahead on Health Reform: Clinton

It's OK Obama's 'jamming a lot of change down the system'

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has a hopeful exhortation for Congressional Democrats trying to push through health care reform. “The president's doing the right thing. It is both morally and politically right,” Clinton tells Esquire. “I wouldn't even worry about the Republicans,” who are just “sitting around waiting...

Oprah's Mag Puts New Twist on Power List

(Newser) - Nobody’s No. 1 on O, the Oprah Magazine’s inaugural “Power List.” Indeed, no one’s any other number either.  “Power can be so many things,” the editors reason, so they’re honoring women who are powerful in different ways. A sampling:
  • The Power

Bill and Al: Buddies Again?
 Bill and Al: 
 Buddies Again? 

Bill and Al: Buddies Again?

(Newser) - Today's warm embrace between Bill Clinton and Al Gore was just like old times, writes Adam Nagourney in the New York Times. The two have largely been on the outs since 2000, but they shared a "long and emotional hug" after Clinton's North Korean trip. While they've had spotty...

Both Clintons, Gore Played Role in Release

(Newser) - The release of Euna Lee and Laura Ling has catapulted Bill Clinton back onto the world stage, but as the New York Times reports, the former president—and husband of the secretary of State—was only selected for the role a few days ago. Hillary Clinton proposed several envoys for...

Kim Jong Il Pardons Journalists
 Kim Jong Il Pardons Journalists 

Kim Jong Il Pardons Journalists

Ling, Lee could be back in US tomorrow: official

(Newser) - Kim Jong Il has pardoned two American journalists who had been sentenced to hard labor for entering North Korea illegally, and ordered their release during the visit of former President Bill Clinton, the AP reports. Clinton had an emotional meeting today with the two women, an official tells ABC News,...

Clinton Visits N. Korea to Push for Journos' Release

(Newser) - Bill Clinton is in North Korea, where he will attempt to secure the freedom of two American journalists imprisoned since March, Reuters reports, citing South and North Korean news agencies. "As soon as he arrives, he will be entering negotiations," said a source. The White House and State...

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