Kevin Costner oil spill

3 Stories

Kevin Costner Beats Baldwin Lawsuit

Jury rejects $17M fraud claim over BP deal

(Newser) - It was aquaboy vs. Stephen Baldwin, and aquaboy won. A federal jury last evening tossed out a claim by Baldwin and a friend that Costner and a business partner duped them by keeping them in the dark about a multimillion-dollar deal between Costner's company, Ocean Therapy Solutions, and the...

Costner to BP: If You Pay Up, I Will Clean Up

Actor's set to deploy centrifugal separators, hasn't seen a check yet

(Newser) - Kevin Costner's ready to send his oil-vacuuming version of the cavalry to the Gulf, but he wants BP to show him the money first, reports the LA Times. BP has said it wants to buy 32 of Costner's centrifugal oil-and-water separators—which float on the ocean, sucking up oily water...

BP Looks for Help, Turns to ... Kevin Costner?

Actor's company has an oil-sucking machine

(Newser) - It's Kevin Costner to the rescue in the Gulf: BP has agreed to test a contraption funded by the actor to suck oil out of the water. "It's like a big vaccum cleaner," said Costner's business partner in Ocean Therapy Solutions. Costner got interested in the subject around...

3 Stories