tomahawk chop

3 Stories

Native Americans' Calls to Drop Gesture Fail to Move Braves

Groups dispute baseball's contention that they support the 'dehumanizing' imagery

(Newser) - The NFL's Washington Football Team has dropped its slur of a team nickname. The Cleveland Indians are becoming the Guardians. High schools are rethinking their warrior mascots . But in Atlanta, the Braves have only doubled down on their long-criticized "Tomahawk chop"—in which fans gesture with their...

Braves Ditch Tomahawks After Pitcher Complains

Cardinals rookie Ryan Helsley is of Cherokee descent

(Newser) - Atlanta Braves fans cheering on their team against the St. Louis Cardinals Wednesday night did not have a traditional tool to help: The team did not place foam tomahawks on seats before the game, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch . The reason? Cardinals pitcher Ryan Helsley, who is a member of...

We Hate Vuvuzelas, But Condone Tomahawk Chop?

Sports spectators should apply their outrage elsewhere

(Newser) - The constant drone of vuvuzelas is annoying for people watching the World Cup, but Derrick Z. Jackson thinks American spectators should apply their "outrage to more serious sports matters." Specifically, the stereotypes about American Indians that still abound. Consider the tomahawk chop at Atlanta Braves and Florida State...

3 Stories