3-D movie

4 Stories

China Raises Ruckus by Banning Winslet's 3D Breasts

Official explanation is a fake, but decision still isn't going over well

(Newser) - Here's the naked truth: The Chinese will not get the full Titanic effect. Kate Winslet's bare breasts in the 3D version of the movie are being censored in China. "Considering the vivid 3D effects, we fear that viewers may reach out their hands for a touch, and...

Star Wars Movies to Be Re-Released in 3D

3-D Phantom Menace coming in 2012

(Newser) - The Jedi are returning to movie theaters in 3-D. Lucasfilm has announced that all six Star Wars movies will be re-released in 3-D starting in 2012. Many fans of the saga may be disappointed to learn that the Phantom Menace will be first to hit movie theaters, meaning Jar Jar...

Americans Want 3DTVs —Until They Watch One

Then their interest is cut in half

(Newser) - American consumers are eager to buy 3DTVs, until they actually try to watch one. In a new Nielsen study, 25% said they were “very likely” to buy a 3DTV in the next year. But after donning the glasses for themselves, that number dropped to just 12%, while the number...

Directors Race to Make First 3-D Porn Film

Will it be Asian, Italian, or Hustler ?

(Newser) - You've seen Avatar. Now get ready for something a lot more touchy-feely: the world's first 3-D porn movie. Filmmakers in the US, Asia, and Europe are racing one another to be the first to create a multi-dimensional heavy breather. Hong Kong director Christopher Sun is filming his $3.2 million...

4 Stories