wine snob

2 Stories

Ditch the Fancy Wine Talk: It's Sweet or Savory
Ditch the Fancy Wine Talk:
It's Sweet or Savory

Ditch the Fancy Wine Talk: It's Sweet or Savory

Eric Asimov: It's time to simply descriptors for consumers

(Newser) - Next time someone starts waxing poetic about the particular aromas of a wine, tell them to stick a cork in it. Those "gaudy descriptions" are often meaningless, writes Eric Asimov in the New York Times . In fact, "the more specific the description of a wine, the less useful...

Sauvignon Blanc: The New Safe Drink
 Sauvignon Blanc: 
 The New Safe Drink  
Wine Snobs, Beware

Sauvignon Blanc: The New Safe Drink

Has managed to escape Chardonnay-type backlash

(Newser) - Sauvignon Blanc is officially the new safe drink—it's cheap, consistent, and, all of a sudden, it's everywhere, writes Lettie Teague for the Wall Street Journal . "It's the only wine I drink by the glass," a friend tells Teague. "I feel like I always know what I'm...

2 Stories