Rahm Emanuel

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Jon Stewart: Palin's a Hypocrite
 Jon Stewart: Palin's a Hypocrite 

Jon Stewart: Palin's a Hypocrite

Remember who wanted Rahm to quit over 'retard'?

(Newser) - Jon Stewart set his sights on the Dr. Laura controversy last night, but Schlessinger didn't get the worst of it. No, Stewart's best jab was at Sarah Palin. The ex-governor, you might recall, tweeted in tortured English that Dr. Laura should " reload " rather than resign after her N-word-laced...

Darrell Issa: The Republicans' Best Pest
Darrell Issa: The Republicans' Best Pest

Darrell Issa: The Republicans' Best Pest

'Call me a pain,' says man who wants to impeach Obama

(Newser) - Darrell Issa makes it his business to be the fly the Obama administration can’t swat. The ranking Republican on the House Oversight Committee is an admitted attention hog, and he brings that attention to whatever issues will most annoy the White House, writes Mark Leibovich in a profile for...

McChrystal Was Doomed From 1st Words of 'Runaway'
McChrystal Was Doomed From 1st Words of 'Runaway'
Inside Obama's Warroom

McChrystal Was Doomed From 1st Words of 'Runaway'

Obama thought keeping general would undermine civilian command

(Newser) - One paragraph into “the Runaway General,” Barack Obama was pretty sure he’d fire Stanley McChrystal. An hour after the president got the Rolling Stone article, aides were summoned to discuss the possibility. “There was a basic meeting of the minds,” Rahm Emanuel tells the New ...

Rahm Emanuel: Report I'm Quitting Is 'BS'

Chief of Staff planning to move family to DC

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel is not happy about the report that he’s leaving the White House after the midterm elections. “This is BS. And if you need it for translation, it is baseless,” the White House chief of staff said in a statement today. Rumors have circulated that Emanuel...

Rahm Emanuel to Quit White House

No one's happy with his job

(Newser) - White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is expected to quit later this year after growing weary of the "idealism" of Obama staffers who are just as frustrated with him, according to sources. He'll likely step down after midterm elections, reports the Telegraph . Emanuel still maintains a good relationship...

Emanuel: BP's CEO 'Got His Life Back'
 BP's CEO 
 'Got His 
  Life Back' 


Emanuel: BP's CEO 'Got His Life Back'

Hayward has no future in PR, says Rahmbo

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel isn't so sure that BP CEO Tony Hayward should keep his day job, but he definitely should rule out a career in PR after his yachting debacle. "Well, to quote Tony Hayward, he has got his life back,” Emanuel told This Week, adding that, "This...

White House's New Must-Have: iPad

Apple's 'magical' device a hit at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave

(Newser) - Known as technophiles during the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama's top advisers have a "magical" new gadget to geek out on: The iPad, which has become a staple in the White House. The Washington Post undertook the important journalistic endeavor of exposing early adopters like Rahm Emanuel (who has "...

Netanyahu Races Home, Bails on Obama Meeting

Israeli PM confronts fallout from deadly raid

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu has cut short a visit to Canada and canceled a planned meeting with President Obama to return to Israel in the wake of this morning's deadly raid on aid-laden ships bound for Gaza . The Israeli PM "realized that he had to be there in order to manage...

Please, Let 'Overblown' Sestak Story Go Away

It's a fairy tale, but it's just politics as usual

(Newser) - The story from the White House is that Bill Clinton, on Rahm Emanuel's behest, offered Joe Sestak an “unpaid advisory position” to drop out of the race against Arlen Specter. It's an obvious lie—come on, would Sestak even consider dropping out for so little?—and Joe Klein of...

Democrats Shackled By Wall Street Ties

Buddying up to financial firms makes it harder to vilify them

(Newser) - Democrats are enjoying having Wall Street as a villain as they push for financial reform, but there's one nagging problem: they've gotten pretty close to Wall Street in recent years. Thanks to some maneuvering from Chuck Schumer and Rahm Emanuel, many Democrats raised a lot of money from Wall Street...

Rahm Emanuel: I Want to Be Chicago Mayor

White House Chief of Staff says he misses Illinois

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel sounds like he wants out of the Obama administration—and Washington altogether. In an interview with Charlie Rose last night, Emanuel confirmed the rumor that he's considering running for mayor of Chicago in 2011. “I hope Mayor Daley seeks reelection. I will work and support him” if...

Meet the GOP's Favorite Dems
 Meet the GOP's Favorite Dems 

Meet the GOP's Favorite Dems

Some of them may surprise you

(Newser) - Republicans and Democrats may seem farther apart than ever, but believe it or not, there are some people on the other side of the aisle the GOP respects. Newsweek names the five donkeys the elephants get along with best.

Pelosi Is the New Ted Kennedy
 Pelosi Is the New Ted Kennedy 

Pelosi Is the New Ted Kennedy

Kept up fight for comprehensive reform as other Dems wavered

(Newser) - President Obama may be the one history remembers for pulling off the biggest domestic policy reform in decades, but Nancy Pelosi "emerges from this battle as the real powerhouse in Washington," Julian Zelizer writes for CNN . Wielding both a "clear ideological agenda" and the "pragmatic political...

Obama, Senate Near Deal for Military 9/11 Trials

Deal would close Guantanamo, move KSM case forward

(Newser) - The White House and Senate are near a deal that would close the Guantanamo Bay detention center and pave the way for more of its inmates—including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—to face military tribunals rather than civilian courts. The deal has been in the works for a while, but a...

Rush Limbaugh: I'm No 'Champion' of Eric Massa

He pulls back as Steny Hoyer and Robert Gibbs blast ex-congressman

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh says the mainstream media has it all wrong about his opinion of former Democratic congressman Eric Massa. “They think I'm a big supporter,” the talk show host said today, perhaps because yesterday he promised to make Massa’s ordeal “a national story,” reports Politico...

Inside Rahm's Time of Turbulence

 Inside Rahm's 
 Time of 

Inside Rahm's Time of Turbulence

Emanuel more determined than ever as Obama agenda stalls

(Newser) - These are tough times for President Obama's combative chief of staff, but don't expect him to walk away from the job any time soon, writes Peter Baker in a detailed look at the White House's inner workings. Health care reform still hangs in the balance and if it fails, Rahm...

David Axelrod Defiant, but Shows the Strain

Obama adviser taking a lot of heat about White House message

(Newser) - With the White House getting failing grades for having a muddled message, no Obama aide is taking more heat than David Axelrod. In an interview with the New York Times , Axelrod comes off as alternately:
  • Defiant: "I don't give a flying (the Times diplomatically says 'expletive') what the peanut

Post's Broder Criticizes His Paper's Obama 'Fiction'

He takes issue with 'friend' Dana Milbank's columns

(Newser) - David Broder uses his column in the Washington Post today to slam his own paper's role in the "remarkable fiction" now in vogue about the White House: Essentially, Rahm Emanuel is an all-knowing political god, and a wimpy President Obama should have listened to him more. Two columns by...

DC Consensus: Obama Should've Listened to Rahm

As big ticket failures abound, Emanuel's practicality could have helped

(Newser) - From health care reform to unemployment to Guantanamo Bay, many Washington insiders think President Obama would be much better off today had he listened to his brash-but-practical chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel. Top staffers like David Axelrod have a “strong view of the historic character Obama is supposed to...

Emanuel, Graham Hammering Gitmo Deal
 Emanuel, Graham 
 Hammering Gitmo Deal 

Emanuel, Graham Hammering Gitmo Deal

Hard-nosed opposites form odd friendship

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel and Lindsey Graham have become unlikely friends, and the most visible fruit of that friendship may be a new agreement on Guantanamo Bay. Emanuel hasn’t officially endorsed Graham’s plan—which would close the prison, but put the kibosh on civilian 9/11 trials, and allow the indefinite...

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